  • 期刊


A Doctor with Humanity-About an Aboriginal Writer Tuobasi Tamapima


拓拔斯•塔瑪匹瑪是台灣原住民中少數的菁英份子,不單接受漫長的七年醫學養成教育,並且通過國家醫師考試成為具備一身現代化醫術的醫師。但知識的充實以及醫術的成就是一個層次,持有良醫救人濟世的人文向度才是他最讓人折服的地方;以體諒的心,拋開他在成長及求學過程中所受到一些漢民族加諸在他與族人身上的不當歧視和無形的束縛。他虔誠地懷抱著一顆服務奉獻的心,將所學的西方醫學以他特殊的山林子民布農族身分,服務於異民族-海洋文化的達悟族。在和異民族相處三年又八個月的時光裡,迸出了人類心靈深處共通的美德,那就是體諒和愛,也交織成《蘭嶼行醫記》這本感人至深的行醫記載和心得。 在新世紀的開始,中國醫藥大學西醫醫療體系已在南投縣信義鄉-以布農族為主的原住民部落,設立「地利門診部」,以建構服務於台灣原住民族的灘頭堡。展望並且預期中國醫藥大學獨步台灣的中醫藥體系也能在此服務,成就中國醫藥大學醫療的新頁。這是筆者在此篇論文中拋出來的議題,研究與學習拓拔斯•塔瑪匹瑪如何服務異民族的成功經驗及其方法,使能減少有礙推展醫療的負面行為。待此研究有所心得之後再考慮中醫藥加入原住民醫療服務的體系建構之內。筆者嘗試以此論文拋磚引玉,期望有更多的醫事人員能夠深入研究並且加入將來服務原住民的行列。


Tuobasi Tamapima is one of very few outstanding aboriginal youths in Taiwan, went through 7 years medical education and passed national medical certificate examination, and is now a physician of advanced medical skill. Tuobasi's restless attitude of pursuing knowledge and his accomplishment in medical field make him different from others. He shoulders the mission to save people with such magnanimous and merciful heart and this makes him so welcome and highly respected. With understanding and tolerance, Tuobasi disregarded the spiteful treatment and stress that were given to him and his villagers in the process of his school studies by some of Chinese people who had no idea about aboriginal tribes. He piously holds a heart of giving to serve. With what he learnt and practiced as a Western medicine doctor, and as a son of aboriginal tribe of Bunun, he serves for the public of a foreign tribe of Tao that is known for its ocean culture. Mingled with the different tribe from his for three years and eight months, along with the villagers, he nourishes and manifests the great virtue that inherently is berries and inside of human heart; that is the virtue of caring and love. All these lead to his writing t ”The Notebook of Medical Practice in Orchid Island” during his medical practices in taking care of his patients. In the beginning of this new century, the department of Western medicine at the China Medical University already established the system of medical care at the central tribe of Bunun called ”Di-Le Medical Center”; this shall be the lst medical sheltering center in aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. We all expect the success of this Western medicine center to be a model of the department of Chinese herbal medicine for serving in aboriginal tribes that spread in Taiwan island wide. This valuable event certainly makes a historical record for the China Medical University. However, I use my writing here to bring out this subject in order to study and practice Tuobasi Tamapima's successful experiences in serving a foreign tribe, so it may help to minimize the obstacles of developing the medical centers. When my studies come to positive conclusion, I shall be considering in developing the Chinese Herbal medicine to the system of medical care in serving aborigines. My aim for writing this subject is just to throw a brick for getting a piece of jade in return, I only expect to be more doctors or medical personnel who will be interested in doing profound searches and joining the future medical caring teams to help aboriginal tribes.




