  • 期刊


Study on the Relationships among Recreational Activities, Work Pressure, and Physical and Mental Health of Production Workers of IT and Electronics Industry


本研究探討資訊電子產業生產線人員在現代時空環境衝擊下,工作壓力、休閒行爲與身心健康之關係,並以美商台灣通用、悠克電子、茂森科技等生產線人員爲研究對象共發出200份問卷,回收170份,其中無效問卷爲3份,有效問卷爲167份,問卷回收率爲85%。 經資料收集分析討論後發現於生產線人員身心健康在方面年齡、婚姻狀況、子女人數等皆有顯著之差異,而每月平均薪資僅對自己生理狀況的滿意度有顯著之差異;工作壓力和身心健康之關係呈正相關;休閒行爲之社交性活動和身心健康之關係呈正相關;生產線人員的工作壓力愈高者,其休閒行爲之娛樂性活動愈高,對身心健康之關係爲正相關。本研究最後則針對上述結論提出理論及實務上之建議。


Under the worldwide influence of reducing working hours, most companies in Taiwan have implemented two-day weekend. The impacts of Internet and knowledge-based economy, with demand for speed and competition, employees voluntarily or are required to increase the productivity, thus, unknowingly accumulate work pressure. Without proper adjustment and leisure activities, employees would often feel tired, resulting in poorer physical and mental health. This study discussed the relationships among work pressure, recreational activities, and physical and mental health of production workers of IT and electronics industry in the modern life. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to production workers of Vishay Taiwan, Yoko Technology, and Marson Technology, of which 170 were returned. After eliminating 3 invalid questionnaires, the number of valid questionnaires was 167, and the valid return rate was 85%. The data analysis showed that age, marital status, and number of children have significant differences in the physical and mental health of production workers, and average monthly income has significant difference in the satisfaction of physical health. Work pressure is positively correlated with physical and mental health. Social activities in recreational activities are positively correlated with physical and mental health. Those with higher work pressure have more entertainment activities in recreational activities, hence, positively correlated with physical and mental health. Suggestions are made to theories and practice based on the conclusions.


大前研一,2006,OFF 學,台北:天下雜誌出版。
吳水丕、何敬之、林佳慧,1990,「坐禪對企業員工壓力紓解及組織行為的影響」,華梵學報,第六卷,第77-90 頁。


