  • 期刊

以Web Service為基礎的夥伴關係管理系統

A Study and Implementation of PRM System Based on Web Service


企業利用通路銷售產品及服務,通路分直接通路與間接通路,直接通路前人多有著墨,如客戶關係管理(customer relationship management, CRM)於最終消費者議題等;而對於間接通路相關問題則尚無較全面性深入探討,因此夥伴關係管理(partner relationship management,PRM)的議題逐漸的產生,而夥伴關係管理主要著重於通路夥伴的管理,希望提供通路夥伴相關支援與協助,以提昇通路夥伴忠誠度,藉此達成最終消費者的滿意度。本研究先探討網際網路標準Web Service相關議題,並運用Web Service機制及技術建構夥伴關係管理系統,希望藉此幫助企業更有效的管理及支援通路夥伴,並藉由系統實作部分來探討Web Service技術及實作方面的問題。


Many enterprises sell their products depending on Marketing Channel. Marketing Channel could be divided into two parts-indirect channel and direct channel. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) puts emphasis on the issues of direct channel (final consumers), but doesn't put emphasis on the issues of indirect channel. For this reason, PRM (Partner Relationship Management) is promoting and developing. PRM puts emphasis on the issues of the management of the indirect channel partners and it tries to provide useful support and assistance for the indirect channel partners that would improve the loyalty of the indirect channel partners and the satisfaction of final consumers. This study makes use of Web Service, a new rising Internet standard, to construct a PRM system to help enterprises to manage and support the indirect channel partners more effectively. In addition, because Web Service is still in the developing stage, this study will also discuss the issues of technologies and implementation of Web Service.


Marketing Channel E-Commerce indirect channel PRM Web Service


Channels 2001: Getting big results with a tight budget
Berman, B.(1996).Marketing Channels.N. Y.:John Wiley and Sons.
Bowersox, D. J.,Bixby, C. M.(1992).Strategic Marketing Channel Management.N.Y.:McGraw-Hill.
PRM: Enhancing the Indirect Channel
Churchill, G. A.,Peter J. P.(1998).Marketing: Creating Value for Customers.Boston, Mass.:Irwin/McGraw Hill.


