  • 期刊


The Impact of Preemptive Order Strategies on the Supply Chain Management-A Case for Bicycle Manufacturing


本文以Bock與Patterson (1990)提出的三種優先權策略:(1)無優先權策略(NPR)、(2)絕對優先權策略(APR)、(3)限制性優先權策略(LPR)為基礎,探討在不同的策略下對於生產系統的各項生產時間變化情形,藉以分析具優先權訂單對於整體生產系統的影響。本研究以一腳踏車生產流程做為範例,依三種不同的優先權策略進行生產流程模擬,觀察在不同策略下整體生產時間與延遲時間的變化,研究的結果將可以協助企業進行適當的策略評估,以降低訂單插件對整體生產效率的衝擊。


Supply chain management can increase productivity through efficiently use of equipments and manpower. However, preemptive orders occur with delivery deadline or other cost reasons that might decrease the productivity. This paper is aim to discuss proper preemptive order strategies based on three preemption strategies (Bock and Patterson, 1990): no preemption of resources (N (LPR). The th PR), absolute priority for resources (APR), and limited priority for resourcesree preemption rules are examined by an example of a production process for producing bicycles. The related data are collected by simulation with two observations: the production time and the delay duration. The results show that proper use of order preemptive strategies can reduce the impact of order preemption.


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