  • 期刊


The Influence of Location Choice on Profitability: A Study on the Chain Stores in Kaohsiung Area


近年來,台灣咖啡市場蓬勃發展,知名的連鎖店咖啡品牌不下十歲種,能在衆多連鎖體系中成功,其經營手法必然有他獨到之處。觀察咖啡連鎖體系各有其特色,而成功的區位選擇,對於一家商店經營的成敗具有相當的影響力。 本研究以觀察法和調查法,蒐集相關的文獻及確立研究架構,並設計調查表(包含區位選擇因素、消費型態、各達鎖店的基本資料及位址);主要以高雄地區的咖啡連鎖店(包含「統一星巴克」、「羅多倫」、「金礦」、「布蘭奇」為例,經實地調查後,以單因子變數分析「區位因素」及「消費形態,探討區位因素及消費型態對於來客數的影響效果,並將針對各個連鎖店區位選擇分析進行交叉分析,得到以下重要結論: 1.區位選擇方面:「臨近交通狀況」、「大眾運輸的型態」、「咖啡店鄰近的噪音大小程度」與「咖啡店鄰近的髒亂程度」、「是否位於二條動線上」及「招牌能見度」對獲利能力有著顯著的影響。 2.消費型態方面:「是否提供糖包奶精等供顧客拿取」、「是否提供報章雜誌等」「提供餐點型態」與「產品價位」對獲利能力有著顯著的影響。 3.連鎖體系方面:綜合分析後,發現不同體系的連鎖店對淤區位選擇的喜好也有所不同。本研究也針對4家高雄地區知名連鎖咖啡店在區位選擇約特性上做深入的探究,結果對實務應再有所幫助。


Due to the increasing demand of coffee, the coffee chain stores are popular in Taiwan. One of the successful management of the chain stores is location. Therefore, this research collected the literature on the location choice and consumption patterns Then, it studied the relationships among the location choice consumption patterns and profitability. Finally, it attempted to examine the data of coffee stores by the questionnaire. According to the statistics analysis the results were as follows 1. The influential factors of location choice are traffic condition, public transportation types noise sanitary environment, intersection and visibility of the store sign. 2. The influential factors of consumption patterns on profitability are providing the service of sugar and extract milk powder in the store, magazines and newspapers, types of the meals and price of products. 3. Different chain stores have different preference of location choice. To conclude, this research also investigated deeply on the four well-known chain stores in Kaohsiung area, and the results were useful to the practical application.


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