The supported employment service can provide supports to assist persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) adjust their work. The supported employment has seven areas of supports, including basic cognitive ability, task performance, work attitude, social interaction, health care, financial management and domestic life. The study use the levels of support provided by job coaches (JC) in supported employment and three factors of the Hershenson's the work adjustment theory to measure work adjustment in supporeted employment. Self-designed questionnaires were developed to measure the level of supports provided by JC and to realize work adjustments of persons with ID in the supported employment. All of the 80 questionnaires were collected in New Taipei City by interviewing with the person with ID and employer who receives supported employment service. The study found work attitude was the highest level of support area provided by JC. The study about work adjustment, first, task performance, work attitude, social intergration and health care were significant correlated with work behaviors of the persons with ID who received supported employment services. Second, task performance, work attitude, social intergration, health care, financial management and domestic life were significant correlated with work performance. Third, task performance, work attitude, social integration, health care, and domestic life were significant correlated with work satisfaction. If JC could meet the need of the person with ID in the supported employment, we could improve the person with ID whose work adjustment.