  • 期刊


Application of Color Management for Wide-format Digital Printing on Special Decoration Materials


隨著科技資訊的開發運用,因應時代個人化、個性化、多樣化、高效率、短版、簡化製程等特性需求,在近幾年數位印刷是一種被受矚目的印刷方式,印刷市場也不斷有所成長。一般人對於數位影像印刷最普遍的認知,不外乎是以各種不同材質的紙張來呈現,但隨著輸出影像的機器不斷改良與推陳出新,數位影像印刷也開始能呈現於各種更廣泛的材質上。然而,在藝術圖像複製領域中,特殊裝潢材料在藝術及平面類數位典藏上尚屬新的應用,在數位化製程中,如何應用特殊裝潢材料作為材質,建立一套標準製程並控制數位複製品質乃是新的挑戰。在印刷工業領域中,色彩的複製與控制已經有相當厚實的基礎,透過色彩管理的應用可以維持色彩複製表現的一致性,色彩管理著重被印材質色彩的表現以及相關設備校正與色彩特性描述之建置,被印材質尤其是色彩複製與預測之重要變項。因此,本研究透過色彩管理系統建議出特殊裝潢材料之品質控制標準化流程,並藉由實驗論證研究,探究在同一數位印刷系統(HP Designjet 9000)印製在不同特殊裝潢印材(PVC、PP合成紙、綠背紙)組合上之色彩表現之差異,並且進一步建構出其數位印刷品質之規格,而後特殊裝潢材料便可參照此規格廣泛運用在藝術圖樣之複製中。本研究案為國科會提升產業技術及人才培育計畫,合作企業為位於台北的「攝影人影像股份有限公司(PHOTO MAN IMAGE LTD.)」(以下簡稱PMI),其計畫名稱為「藝術圖像於特殊裝潢材料之數位印刷及其色彩管理技術」(計畫編號:NSC95-2622-E-144-001-CC3)之產學合作專案,因而提供本研究之所需印機以及特殊裝潢印材,因此本研究所建構出ICC色彩描述檔為針對PMI所提供之數位印刷組合為主,並提供印刷品色差值檢定之數值,最後透過標準化製成之建立,使PMI公司對於海外市場拓展之拓展更有幫助。


With the development of technology and the trend of personalization, diversification, high efficiency, and simplified process, digital printing has caught more and more attention in recent years, and its printing market is growing constantly. Despite general understanding of digital printing; it, however, can be applied to more materials other than typical paper substrates due to the improvement of printing machine and materials such as ink and substrates. It is, however, still a new technique in applying arts images to special decoration materials in the field of duplicating arts images. It is, thus, a new challenge to establish a standard operating process and to control the color reproduction quality of digital images for special decoration materials. There have already been strong bases of the duplicating and controlling of colors in printing industry. The application of color management, which emphasizes the color quality presented on the printed substrates and the establishment of equipment calibrations and ICC profiles, ensures the consistency of color reproduction. The printed substrate is especially a crucial variable in color reproduction. This study, therefore, was aimed to establish standard operating processes and models of the color control and quality improvement for special decoration materials through color management system, to discuss the digital printing system and decoration substrates (such as PVC, PP Synthetic Paper, Green-back paper), and to establish print attribute specifications for printing arts images on special decoration materials. Once the operating processes and the quality control for digital printing are established, the duplication of arts images can be widely applied to special decoration materials. This research is an industry-academy cooperation project in nature. The project name is ”The Application of Digital Printing Technology and Color Management of Art Images On Special Decoration Materials”. The collaboration company is ”PHOTO MAN IMAGE (PMI) LTD. (PMI)” located in Taipei, which provided the wide-format digital presses and the special decoration substrates for the research. The results of the study include the ICC profiles specially made for PMI's printing presses and substrates and the standard operation of making those ICCs for PMI. PMI Company is benefited from this project of establishing its SOP of making ICC profiles for their production lines and knows the print attributes of the substrates. These are very useful for the company because it has been tried to expand its business oversea.


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