  • 期刊


A Study of Gray Component Replacement in Taiwan's Newspaper Printing




報紙印刷 灰色置換


The application and study of gray component replacement are much more used on scanner than printing industry. In recent years, new spaper industry has applied PDF GCR software to save ink cost. This study is discussing the application of gray component replacement in Taiwan newspaper industry. Firstly this study probes into saving ink cost efficiency that bosses most care about. Forecasting the cost single paper full advertising layout can be economized. On the other hand, interviewing Taiwan newspaper industry explore applications, problems and perspectives of gray component replacement. Saving ink cost efficiency of PDF gray component replacement software, after Estimating could save 24.76% ink on average, in which Maximal saving 32.6% and minimum saving 10%. Prognosticating a piece of paper with full advertising layout could save about NTD 0.03. This study discovers that PDF GCR software could skip over objects such as LOGO etc. Which is better than other software and scanner that could execute gray component replacement, and more practicability.




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Technically Speaking
