  • 期刊


An AHP Assessment Study on the Editing Competence of E-Books


近年電子書閱讀器大行其道,數位出版產業一路氣勢如虹。為因應數位閱讀和傳播帶來的鉅變風潮,加以職能為人才培育之核心概念,而編輯又是數位出版價值網的關鍵性角色,乃針對電子書編輯的職能加以研究,以為數位出版的永續發展與人才培育的教考訓用合一化奠定基礎。本研究之目的有三,一為「瞭解電子書編輯職能內涵」、二為「獲得電子書編輯職能體系(第一層級向度、第二層級指標)」、三為「建立電子書編輯職能評估權重優先排序」。本研究設計包括文獻探討,運用文獻蒐集的方式,瞭解電子書編輯職能內涵,並列、比較形成研究問卷之初稿,經由專家檢視確認,然後針對業界主編、編輯施測,以AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process)決策分析軟體進行分析,得到電子書編輯職能的權重,進行職能的評估與重要性排序。本研究之結論第一層級職能向度優先順序如下:編輯管理向度、行銷向度、閱聽向度、校對向度、回饋向度為業界認知之電子書編輯五大編輯職能向度,其中「建立並維護務實的進度時間表;相關促銷文案之發想和企劃;善加利用數位平台的機制,瞭解讀者的閱讀行為和對出版品的看法;校對音訊、視訊之清晰度與語調語氣;重視訊息的回饋,主動瞭解市場反映」分別為此五大編輯職能向度層面中最獲重視者。第二層級排序前十五名如後:1.瞭解著作權,取得合法授權;2.善加利用數位平台的機制,瞭解讀者的閱讀行為和對出版品的看法;3.相關促銷文案之發想和企劃;4.能擷取既有數位音訊檔案匯入編排軟體;5.整合文字和圖像、分鏡繪製;6.從讀者的角度思考資料的層次和呈現方式;7.規劃促銷活動;8.重視訊息的回饋,主動瞭解市場反映;9.校對音訊、視訊之清晰度與語調語氣;10.針對合適的人進行更詳細的溝通;11.能夠拍照、蒐集、採訪、捕捉、發想音訊、視訊素材;12.為文案下標題;13.註記印刷廠的錯誤以及區別作者或編輯所要求之改動;14.運用電腦軟體協助校對;15.建立並維護務實的進度時間表。排在首位的是「合法取得授權」顯示業界極為重視著作權的保護與尊重。本研究所獲之結論將可作為發展數位出版產業、相關人才培育的參考,並敦促後續相關課程發展等研究之進行。


數位出版 電子書 編輯 職能 層級分析AHP 權重


In response to the significant changes the digital publishing brought to the habits and manners set forth in general readings, information transfers, media communication and broad cast, be sides the importance of software as well as hardware developments on computers and e-reading tablets, various digital publishing competences are also important elements worth of studying. Since e-books are most popular and widely used, e-books related competencies are the cores in education development and talent training for students as well as professional personnel working in Digital Publishing industries. Thus, various competence factors and requirements in the e-book's editing field were recognized as a key focus for sustainable development under the ”teaching, testing, training and employment” policies. This research aimed at the study of various competence factors considered critical for digital publishing's e-books editors. There were three objectives for this study, firstly to understanding the content of the competences considered critical to eBook editors; secondly to understand the options and selections of the e-Book's editing competences and thirdly to understand the importance and priorities of the e-Book's editing competences, respectively. Research Methods: Literature Review was conducted firstly to collect digital publishing related literatures on a global basis to understand relevant competence factors; a preliminary draft of the research questionnaire was then formulated based on the literature review results. After being evaluated and revised by an experts' focus group, the formal questionnaire was finalized and survey results collected for analysis. The survey results obtained from the Questionnaires were analyzed by using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) decision analysis method. Various e-book editing competence indicators derived from the AHP method were then prioritized and ranked according to their sequential order of importance. Implementation of the Research: understanding of the content of the competences of the e-Book editors had to be established first in order to formulate the survey questionnaire. The expert panel played a critical role in evaluating and finalizing the competence elements and factors included in the questionnaire for survey purpose. These experts' inputs and evaluations on key competence factors and priorities of the e-Book's editing competences were considered highly valuable in the validity of the survey results. Conclusions and Recommendations: the results from this research study, namely the content of various competences considered critical to the eBook editors; the options and selection of the e-Book editing's competences and the importance and priorities of the e-Book's editing competences all could be used as references in developing education courses and talent training curriculums for Digital Publishing Industries. Follow-up studies on relevant personnel training programs and education courses are also recommended.


