  • 期刊

超商咖啡外包裝設計對消費者購買意願之影響-以7-11city cafe 外包裝設計為例

A Study of Purchase Intention Affect by Packaging Designs -Base on 7-11 City Café


在台灣,咖啡的飲用趨勢日漸上升,而超商咖啡也進軍這塊市場,便利商店就成為了最大的連鎖咖啡店,而各大超商推想盡辦法要吸引消費者購買,本研究以7-11city café 為例,來探討不同包裝設計是否會影響消費者的購買意願。研究數據採用問卷的方式,本研究回收 200 份,計回收有效問卷 200 份,男生佔79 份,女生佔121 份。以敘述性統計、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t 檢定、重複量數單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,研究結果發現:(1) 不同年齡層在超商咖啡消費習慣有顯著的不同(2) 不同性別的消費者對於購買意願沒有顯著的影響(3) 不同包裝設計對於消費者購買意願有顯著的影響由上述三點可知,不同年齡層在咖啡消費習慣確實不同,不同包裝設計在購買意願上也有不同程度的影響。因此此份研究的結果可以作為超商咖啡在包裝上,開發設計和溝通策略的新方向。


Drinking coffee become the norm recent years in Taiwan. While the coffee consumptions raise fast each year, the convenience store enter the market and become the biggest coffee chain store. The convention store offers various coffee cup designs in order to attract consumers' attentions and promote sales. This study is to discuss the effects of the cup designs on consumers' purchase intentions. The study is based on questionnaire survey that uses 7-11 city cafe as an example. 200 surveys were collected, of which a total of 79 males and 121 females. Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Reliability tests, One-way ANOVA, One Way RM-ANOVA, and T-test were conducted to investigate the mutual influence of packaging design and purchase intention. The three major findings: 1.Different age groups' coffee consumption habits are significantly different. 2.Consumers of different gender have no significant influence on purchase intention. 3.Consumers' purchase intention was significantly affected by different packing designs. Suggestions of follow-up studies were also made for future researchers to further studies into these issues. The results of this study can serve as a direction for convenience store to develop their new product and communication strategies in the future.


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