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Growth Norm of Preschool Children in Taipei City


身體發育測量是國民健康的基本資料,由兒童身高、體重的資料,可瞭解其生長發育情形,並作為評估營養狀況的重要依據,亦可用以發現體重過重、肥胖或發育不良之個案,俾早期預防、輔導與治療,以奠定健康基礎。本研究之資料主要來自於九十一年臺北市0~6歲兒童醫療補助之「健康/疾病諮詢概要表」,該表內容包括:身分證字號、測量日期、出生日期,年齡、身長、體重等。本研究總樣本數為47,474人,其中男生為24,687人(52%),女生為22,787人(48%)。資料分析以描述性統計分析,包含每一年齡層之身高、體重之平均值、中位數、標準差、最大值、最小值及百分位數。研究結果顯示臺北市0~6歲兒童每一年齡層身高、體重之百分位數,包括第3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 85, 90, 95,及97百分位數。本研究0~6歲兒童身高與體重之生長發育常模,不但於學術上可提供有關體重過重或肥胖之相關訊息,亦可直接運用於判斷兒童營養狀況之參考。同時,在衛生教育方面,可增強兒童及青少年對體重過重或肥胖危險群之認識,對兒童及青少年健康促進或體重控制品質的提升,將有實質之貢獻。


身高 體重 生長常模 學齡前兒童

Parallel abstracts

Measuring the growth of body is the basic information of people's health. From the data of children's height and weight, we can understand the state of their growth and evaluate their nutrient condition. In addition, we can discover the cases of overweight, obesity or dysplasia in advance to prevent, give advice or cure in early stage to establish the foundation of people's health. The total investing samples are 47,474 children, in which there are 24,687 (52%) boys and 22,787 (48%) girls. Based on the data, we analyzed the mean, median, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, and percentile (3rd, 5th, 10th, 15th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 85th, 90th, 95th and 97th) of height and weight (of each age level from 0 to 6-year-old) of children in Taipei.

Parallel keywords

height weight growth curve preschool children

Cited by

Wu, P. H. (2012). 一、母親手機使用與孩童神經認知行為發展 二、臍帶血中酚類化合物與胎兒生長發育之相關性 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.00261