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The Relations among Technology Used by Parents, Preschoolers, and Preschoolers' Concentration Performance




科技 家長 調查研究 專注力 學齡前幼兒


This study aims to investigate how technology products were used by parents and by their young children, and to examine how children's use of technology predicts their concentration performance. Questionnaires were designed. Parents were asked to reveal how technology was used by children and by themselves, and teachers were asked to evaluate young children's concentration performance. There were 607 parents and their children, aged 4-7, participated this study. In this study, technology was categorized into 3 categories: computer, portable devices, and TV. The results are as follows: (1) Parents spend most time on Tablet and cell phone for social interactions and for work, young children spend most time watching TV. (2) There are significant correlations between the parents' and children's use of technology. (3) Parents frequently use portable devices as tools to pacify children, their children tend to perform worse on concentration.


Children Concentration Parents Survey Technology


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