  • 期刊


Immediate Implantation after Osteogenesis Guided by Forced Eruption Technique-A Case Report


前牙植體的美觀建立,一直以來都是多數醫師困擾的問題。而如何在拔除牙齒的同時,保存更多的骨質,甚至是製造出更多的骨質,更是我們努力的目標。現今,我們常運用很多方法來引導骨生長,如:各種骨粉的置入,或是利用矯正方式等。 這個病例是利用強迫性萌出方式將因外傷造成牙冠-牙根斷裂的門齒拉出,藉以引導骨頭生長,而後將其牙齒拔除的同時,以立即性植體植入,臨時性牙冠置入後,待其軟組織修復完成,再進行永久性的牙冠的製作。


The establishment of anterior implant esthetic is confused by lots of dentists. The goal to preserve adequate bone, or even create more bone during tooth extraction is critical. Today, we use many methods, such as, bone graft, guild bone regeneration, and orthodontic treatment., to preserve/create adequate bone volume for implant prosthesis. This case is a 40 year-old male whose maxillary left central incisor had crown-root fracture. We extrude the root of maxillary left central incisor and direct the bone outgrowth at the same time. Implant was installed immediately after extraction of the maxillary left central incisor. Provisional restoration fabricated to create a stable soft tissue relationship. Then delivered the final restoration.
