  • 期刊


Study of Art Therapy Intervention on Bulimic Patients-A Young Woman as an Example


本篇論文旨在經由相關文獻的回顧、蒐集整理,提出藝術治療應用於暴食症患者之具體建議。本文採用文獻內容研究法,依據對過去和現在研究成果的深入分析,進行綜述式的紀錄與整合,指出目前的水平、動態、應當解決的問題和未來的發展方向。研究者再據此提出自己的觀點、意見和建議,依據相關理論、研究條件和實際需要等,整合歸納個人觀點及省思,並提出藝術治療介入暴食症患者之可行建議。 本研究主要結果如下: 治療初期時,引導案主熟習創作媒材,並透過創作回顧病程及其意義;治療中期,透過創作獲得一有別於進食催吐的替代性控制媒介,亦可發洩情緒並增加覺察;治療末期,能因創作經驗的積累而有更多彈性選擇的空間並培養正向的內在自我。 而經由文獻回顧及研究者之實務經驗可知,藝術治療應用於飲食疾患暴食症患者之療效確有其優勢並有相關文獻證實,在視覺藝術的創作表現及治療過程中,患者可以於創做過程中產生一反映距離,情緒得以藉此抒發及跳脫主觀扭曲的身體意象;並從而獲得情緒的出口以及觀念的澄清。盼本文蒐集整理之文獻及研究者歸納形成之整體建議能有裨於實務工作者作爲參考。


藝術治療 暴食症 反映距離


The aim of this paper is to propose the use of art therapy on patients suffering from bulimia nervosa through various literary reviews and data collections. This paper focuses on content research, and includes in depth analyses on past and present study results that are reorganized and put together to present current levels, motions, existing problems and future developments. The author also proposes his own viewpoint and opinions and gives practicable suggestions that are based on theory, research conditions and practical needs to present the conditions of art therapy on sufferers of bulimia nervosa. The research results are as follows: During the preliminary stages of therapy, the subjects were led the clients to become familiar with the creative materials, and their creations were used to talk about their past with the illness and what meanings the creations represented. During the middle stage, they were provided a purging medium through the creative process to prevent them from throwing up. This also helped them release their pent up emotions and increased self-awareness. Towards the latter stages of therapy, they were able to more flexibly nurture their positive inner selves with the accumulation of creative experiences. After various literary reviewing, data collecting, and the author's practical experience, it is confirmed that the use of art therapy on patients suffering from bulimia nervosa is curative and advantageous. During the process of creative visual art therapy, there would be a reflective distance occurred between the clients and the creations. By this way, they could not only expressing their emotions and thinking outside the box of the distorted body image, but finding other emotion exportations and clarifying their twisted beliefs. The author is willing the practicable suggestions from this study are both beneficial to researchers and practical workers.


黃竫茵(2017)。正念減壓課程運用於女性飲食困擾者之成效研究 -以研究參與者觀點探討〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00520
