隨著網際網路的發展,智慧型手機普及率增加,各式各樣的社群媒體如雨後春筍般出現,讓以往被視為非主流媒體的社群媒體,已在現行社會漸漸取代了傳統媒體,除了改變人與人之間的溝通方式,更代表著指尖溝通時代的來臨。在新媒體的時代裡,透過媒體的報導與轉播,職業運動快速的發展,如何提升運動員商業價值也成了一門學問。在評估運動員的品牌價值上,除了運動員本身的技能表現外,其形象與曝光度也成為贊助商評比依據,許多贊助商更經常藉由社群媒體的粉絲人數、互動頻率來觀察運動員,知名足球員Cristiano Ronaldo更是因此而與NIKE簽下終身合約。然而,運動員品牌價值在國內較少被提及,國內運動員本身也多專注於技能表現,鑑此,本文針對運動員品牌價值及社群媒體進行探討,以瞭解何謂運動員品牌價值及其重要性,並探討相關實際案例與研究,以提供運動員運用社群媒體實質上的幫助。Facebook及Instagram是目前較多人使用也較受歡迎之兩大社群媒體,運動員可以藉由社群媒體平台,透過故事性的方式展現自我、積極與粉絲及贊助商產生連結以及發布照片、影片等方式,建立運動員品牌,提升運動員商業價值。
With the development of internet and smartphone, social media has become the hottest topic globally. Social media change the things we look, we think, and change the sport we used to know. As the professional sport grows, Athlete brand become an important thing for athlete. How to enhance the value of athlete brand has become a topic for athlete. In addition to the athlete's performance, its image and exposure has become much more important than before. Many sponsors evaluation the athlete brand by the social media who has more follower, and the frequency of interaction between athlete and fans. For example, the well-known football player Cristiano Ronaldo is therefore signed the lifetime contract with NIKE. Not only because of his great performance on the football field, but also his high active on the social media. Yet the athlete brand is less mention in Taiwan. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze and examine what the athlete brand is and its importance. As we know, Facebook and Instagram was the most popular social media in the world. Athlete can promote themselves by using social media platform. They can use storytelling to show themselves, get more connection with fans and sponsor, and publish photos and video to build the athlete brand.