  • 期刊


"Taiwan Sports Association" and the Administrative Operation of Baseball in Japanese Occupation Period




This research aims to explain how the government-dominated Taiwan Sports Association (TSA) established the administrative operation system of Taiwan Baseball in Japanese Occupation Period. TSA was founded to deal with overall physical education and sports games in Taiwan, and to communicate with international communities. TSA also assisted in establishing Taiwan's sports administration system by creating a competition system and playing a role as an authority of arbitration. Therefore, the establishment of TSA in the 1920s had a symbolic meaning in domestic integrations as well as incorporations into the Japanese government. TSA was sponsored and inevitably directed by the government. Meanwhile, through its branches in states and provinces in Taiwan, the TSA furthered baseball into local community, and eventually constituted a basic structure to promote Taiwan Baseball in Japanese Occupation Period.


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〈財團法人臺灣體育協會設立許可〉,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,1920 年 1月 1 日。6810 冊 6 件。
〈新竹州體育協會州支部ニ對シ州費補助認可指令案〉,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,10855 冊 1 件。
〈臺中州臺灣體育協會臺中支部經費ニ對シ州費補助認可指令案(指令第二五九○號)〉,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,1939 年3 月1 日,10858 冊5 件。
〈臺灣體育協會嘉義支部ニ對スル州費補助認可指令案(指令第八二三六號)〉,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,1937 年 10 月 1 日,10824 冊5 件。
