  • 期刊


On the Power Phenomenon of Tennis Doubles Game Reexamined with Foucault's Power Concept


一般教練都認為網球雙打搭配要有其技術、特性上的互補性,但筆者長期涉入網球領域中,從選手走到教練的經驗當中發現,光是在搭檔間的技術、特性為主的網球雙打搭配論述,於實務訓練上似乎無法說明搭檔運作間的相關問題,因此本文透過米歇爾.傅柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)的權力觀點及現有體育學術研究內涵的幫助,來探討網球雙打搭檔的權力運作與表現樣態,並將網球場權力運作現象歸類為內在與外在權力運作現象,當中內在權力運作又分為傳統階級權力(強弱、身分、性別),以及流變權力(語言、身體語言、情緒、動機及性格)運作現象,外在權力運作則包含來自教練、家長、對手、隊友、媒體等其他人的外力作用現象。在反思當中發現原來做一位教練不只是「傳授」知識給選手,更多時候也需要協助選手們處理、化解、緩和那有形無形介入的力量,作為教練應該具備更多元、開放的思考,從實踐與探究中不斷地伴隨選手成長,也成長自身。


It is generally considered by coaches that tennis doubles partners should compensate each other in their technical characteristics and playing styles. I, who had spend a lot of time in tennis training from being a player and then a coach, have discovered that the above concept is not enough to settle the interactions between doubles partners in realistic situation. In this article, I try to study the power interactions and multiple expressions in such situations using Michael Foucault's power concept as well as current sport science theories. I discover that the power interaction situations in tennis field can be categorized into internal power situations and extenal power situations. Internal power interaction situations can be further divided into traditional ranking power (strong/weak, identity, gender, etc) and fluctuating power (language, body language, emotion, motive and personality). External power interaction situations consist of the influences caused by coaches, parents, opponents, team mates, media, etc. At self-reflection I discover that not only should a coach teach knowledge to players, but also should they help players deal with and resolve the invisible powers. As coaches, we should have diversity and open-minded thinking, help the players as well as ourselves to progress by practice and study.


Braden, Vic,Bruns, Bill(1996).Vic Braden's Laugh and Win at Doubles.Boston:Little Brown and Company.
Michel, Foucault(1978).The History of Sexuality: An Introduction.NewYork:Random House.


