  • 期刊


A High-Resolution Autostereoscopic Display System with a Wide View Angle


本文使用多台微型LCoS投影機來實現具有高解析度和大視域數的立體顯示系統,在系統中有三大關鍵問題,包括投影鏡頭的所造成的影像失真問題、投影機和螢幕之間的對位問題、重疊影像之間影像接合的問題。在本文中提供相對應的方法來解決上述問題。最終-35” 的立體顯示器成功被實現,它在視角30度裡可提供60個視域,90度的FOV和大範圍的觀看距離。當觀賞者在螢幕前移動時系統可顯示很平滑的移動視差。


An autostereoscopic display using multiple miniature projectors array was developed to realize a 3D display system with both high resolution and large number of views. It is found that image distortion of the projection lens, alignment between the projector and the screen, and image blending among tiled images are the three critical technologies in such a system. This paper presents the researches intended to solve the problems. The result was a 35” autostereoscopic display with 60 views at a 30 view angle, 90 FOV, and large range of viewing distance. The proposed system exhibits very smooth motion parallax when viewers move around in front of it.
