  • 期刊


Using Event-Related Spectral Perturbations to Examine how Adolescents with Drug Abuse Respond to Social Rejection


本研究欲了解青少年藥物濫用者對社會拒絕經驗的電生理反應,採用事件相關頻譜振盪分析、傳球作業及問卷(負面情緒調節量表、思覺失調型人格問卷、拒絕敏感度問卷及需求威脅量表)。針對使用非法藥物之青少年,探討他們在受到社會拒絕後,如何影響他們處理負面情緒反應。本研究為準實驗設計,實驗組為18名因使用毒品及其他犯罪進入少年輔育院之青少年與控制組18名一般高中生。問卷研究結果發現濫用藥物青少年在經歷社會拒絕實驗後,其歸屬感低於一般青少年。事件相關頻譜振盪分析研究發現,藥物濫用青少年在拒絕階段中,對應於回饋相關負波 (feedback-related negativity, FRN)之theta領域神經振盪強度顯著高於一般青少年,這顯示藥物濫用青少年社會拒絕經驗相當敏感,發生非預期的社會拒絕時theta領域神經振盪強度顯著增加,藥物濫用青少年可能在回饋與衝突監測的調控處理歷程上發生問題而影響其對社會拒絕之反應。


The aim of this study was to investigate the electrophysiological responses of adolescent drug abusers to social exclusion experiences using event-related spectral perturbation analysis, the Cyberball task and questionnaire scores (Negative Mood Regulation Scale, Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-brief, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire for Children, and Need Threat Scale). This was conducted to explore how adolescents with drug abuse regulate their negative emotional responses after being socially excluded. The study used a quasi-experimental design. The experimental group consisted of 18 teenagers who entered the juvenile academy due to drug use and other crimes and the control group consisted of 18 senior high students. Questionnaire results showed that adolescents with drug abuse had a lower sense of belonging than normal adolescents after experiencing social rejection. The event-related spectral perturbation results showed that in the rejection phase of the task, the intensity of the neural oscillations in the theta field corresponding to feedback-related negativity (FRN) was significantly higher than that of the normal adolescents, indicating that the adolescents with drug abuse were quite sensitive to social exclusion. An elevated response to social exclusion, shown by increased theta intensity, may be related to problems in the processing of feedback and conflict monitoring in drug abuse adolescents.
