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National Policy and Regional Development: Based on the Case of Taroko National Park in Hua-lien as an Analysis Axis


本文以國家政策和花蓮的區域發展關係爲研究主冒,以「太魯閣國家公園」爲個案,探討1980至1990年代花蓮地區的各項開發建設案一如立霧溪水力發電計畫、礦產開發(崇德工業區、和平水泥專業區及其他)等議題,和國家公園政策與理念之間,產生何種對立和折衝的歷程,藉以呈現「國家公園」做爲一項國家政策時,它在台灣「環境保育與經濟發展」兩大路線下所扮演的角色和作用。 本研究發現:國家公園制度之存在確實會影響區域經濟建設計畫的推行,故在積極面上來說,它對環境保護有功;但是此一功能並不完全,特別是當「區域」與「國家」兩層級的發展計畫同時出現時,國家的經濟發展政策具有比區域環保更高的優先性,不過此一狀況之產生,也可能和權力及政策菁英的角色有密切關係。綜合言之,本研究的結果,可以做爲探討台灣現代「環境保育與經濟發展」、「國家政策與區域發展」課題時的一個歷史實證。


The theme of this article is to study the relationship of national policy and regional development in Hua-lien. Based on the case study of Taroko National Park, this paper tried to investigate the role that the National Park had played and the results it had got, while the national policies for regional development were launched. The paper studied some development projects for Hua-lien province, such as hydraulic electricity power plant, and mining issues. Through the interaction process of those polices, this paper intends to present a picture of the relationship. And the findings are: first, under the goal of the National Park, the execution of those development projects has been restricted. However, the aim for the environmental protection through Taroko seems incomplete, especially when the regional and national policies have collided with each other at the same time. Then we may conclude that at this moment, the projects of regional environmental protection have to give the priority to the economic policies for national development. However, the central role of power and policy elites must not be neglected. In sum, this paper contributed an evidence for understanding the two line struggles between environmental protection vs. economic development, and national vs. regional developments in modem Taiwan history.


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