  • 期刊


A Study on Motive in the Elder of Participating in Health Club


本篇旨在探討台灣地區銀髮族群,其參與健身俱樂部之動機。就現階段來看,由於平均壽命的提升與出生平的下降,高齡化社會是未來的趨勢,而對健身產業而言,為了因應此項變化,勢必有其應付的相關措施。本篇就銀髮族參與休閒運動的現況、需求、觀念與休閒的阻礙,對俱樂部未來在策略的制訂上,提出以下幾點建議: 一、配合社區設立分部:俱樂部業者應以提供銀髮族運動空間為主要目的,並以多點的方式去經營。 二、專案政策的變化:俱樂部業者可針對現有的青壯年族群實行相關專案,使得會員主動吸引銀髮族群參與。 三、運動付費的觀念:業者可先以推廣的方式,先使銀髮族走進健身俱樂部,以逐漸提升健身俱樂部在銀髮族群中的形象。 四、運動的專業知識:必須使銀髮族群瞭解唯有得到正確、安全的運動指導,才是避免運動傷害的不二法門。


銀髮族 健身俱樂部 動機


The purpose of this study was to investigate the motive in the elder of participating in health club. The society in advanced age was the trend because the life expectancy increased and the birthrate decreased. To the industry of health club, it should be have measures to handle. By the condition, demand, concept and recreation constraint of participating in recreational sport in elder, the study recommend: 1. Establish the subdivision with community: The manager in health club should provide the space of sport to elder and operate in many ways. 2. The change of program: The manager in health club could practice program in adult to attract elder participating by members. 3. The concept of pay in sport: The manager could popularize first to elder move toward the health Club, and promote the image of health club gradually. 4. The professional information of sport: To be avoid the injure of sport, it should get correct and secure direction.


the elder Health Club Motive