  • 期刊


The Butterfly Resources of Chongqing



重慶位於青藏高原與長江中下游平原的過渡地帶,中國經濟發達的東部地區與資源富集的西部地區的結合部,長江三峽庫區西段及四川盆地東部,是一個典型的過渡性自然環境。 重慶山多、河多,以山地、丘陵爲主,蜀中亞熱帶濕潤氣候,地帶性植被是中亞熱帶濕潤性常綠闊葉林。在這樣的環境裏,已知分佈蝴蝶454種,隸屬於12科,186蜀,其中東洋種297種,占重慶市蝶類的65.4%(297/454)。根據植被、地貌可將重慶分爲:盆東平行嶺谷植被-蝶類小區,武陵山植被-蝶類小區,大巴山怕被-蝶類小區,它們相互之間的區系相異性係敏依次爲:0.5879,0.6916,0.6529,充分表明各小區間環境和蝶類組成均有較大差異。


蝴蝶 重慶 資源


Chongqing is situated at the transitional zone between Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the middle-lower plain of Yangtze River, right at the juncture of commercially oriented eastern China and resource-rich western China. This area covers the west section of Three Gorge Reservoir area of Yangtze River and eastern Sichuan basin, representing a transitional zone in terms of the natural environments of China. This vast area is mountainous and woven with many river systems, and the landscape is dominated by hills. The climate is moderately humid and subtropical. The vegetation type is chiefly subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. So far, there are 454 species of butterflies recorded in Chongqing, belonging to 12 families, 186 genera. Of them, 297 species of them are considered Oriental, making up 65.4% (297/454) of Chongqing butterflies, whereas the Palaearctic species represent only 8.4% (38/454) of total fauna. Species shared by the Oriental and Palaearctic regions cover 24.2% (110/454) of diversity, and the widespread species only 2.0% (9/454). Based upon vegetation type s and landscape, Chongqing can be divided into three subregion: the parallel mountain ridge and valley of the East Sichuan bas in, Wulingshan Mountain region and Dabashan Mountain region, the coefficient of faunal differentiation of them are 0.5879, 0.6916, 0.6529 respectively, demonstrating environments and faunal compositions of Chongqing butterflies among these regions differ considerably.


Butterfly Chongqing Resources


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