  • 期刊

The Corona Inspection of Ceramic Insulator by Ultraviolet Imaging Method




本文研究目的在建立紫外線鐵路電車線電暈放電量測系統,提出了紫外成像技術在鐵路電車線系統中的具體應用,量測項目包括電氣設備電暈放電、設備表面的局部放電探測及外部污穢程度和絕緣缺陷檢測等。研究方法是使用紫外線成像儀和紅外線成像儀,分別針對高鐵電力系統來源端電壓161KV,及電車線系統的25 KV電力系統,進行電暈放電的紫外線信號實施量測,並分析量測距離及儀器增益對紫外線檢測的影響。本方法優點快速、準確地檢測輸電線路故障和放電。期望透過本研究收集的檢測資料可做為電車線系統(OCS, Overhead Catenary System)維修的參考依據。


In this research, the inspection method of the corona discharge by ultraviolet imagers and signal processing is developed. The method is used to detect the corona and arcing emitted on high voltage equipment. This solar blind filters enable the detection of weak UV signals in daytime with the high signal-to-background ratio. In the experiment, the 161 KV of the high-speed rail power source system and the 25 KV of the Overhead Catenary System are measure, respectively. The ultraviolet and infrared imagers are used to detect the faults and electric discharge in the transmission lines. The paper presents the analyses of the influences on the inspection caused by the measurement distances and the instrument gains. The results of the experiment show the failure of insulator to be corrected. Through this study, the measurement data are established and used to find the defects of the equipment in the Overhead Catenary System to reduce the occurrence of blackouts.
