  • 期刊

Bowel Perforation and Necrotizing Fasciitis after Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction - A Case Report



Background: Liposuction is a popular aesthetic procedures performed worldwide, but it is not without risk. Major and minor complications following it have frequently been described in studies conducted in numerous countries. Bowel perforation and necrotizing fasciitis (NF) after a liposuction procedure are major complications, and while rare, they are often underestimated. Aim and Objectives: In this report, bowel perforation and NF occurred following ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), and we propose major risk factors and possible mechanisms of its development, and discuss how to avoid it. Material and Methods: A 57-year-old woman with previous abdominal operation presented to the emergency department 2 days after undergoing abdominal UAL at a plastic surgery clinic. She received intravenous empiric antibiotics and fluid supplement under the impression of infectious myonecrosis. However, she presented peritoneal signs and developed septic shock on postoperative day 9. Additionally, a large and irregular-bordered violaceous discoloration patch was noted on the right abdominal wall. Bowel perforation and NF were suspected, and she underwent emergent exploratory laparotomy and fasciectomy in right abdomen. Results: A perforation of abdominal fascia was noted during the operation, and a perforation of ascending colon was confirmed by later pathology findings. Furthermore, the NF secondary to bowel perforation was indicated by enteric bacteria identified in bacterial cultures from her fasciectomy site. Owing to severe sequelae of peritonitis, bowel resection, complications of long-term parenteral nutrition and wound infection, she had a prolonged intensive care. When her condition had progressed and oral food intake was tolerated, she was discharged after 280 days of hospitalization. Conclusion: Bowel perforation and NF following abdominal liposuction are attributable to multiple risk factors, which are related previous abdominal surgery, obesity, treatment option of liposuction and surgical techniques. In our case, the effects of ultrasonic energy itself could not be fully incriminated. It's important for clinicians to perform physical examination preoperatively with adequate documentation of the patient's surgical history. Additionally, they should also take certain precautions during the procedure and perform careful physical examinations in follow-up visits to avoid life-threatening complications.




