  • 期刊


The Kongfu of "Lianjing Huaqi" of Taoist Inner Alchemy: Focusing on the Inner Alchemy Thought of Wu Chongxu



「煉精化炁」為鍾呂派丹法的修命工夫,此工夫也是內丹之不同於儒、佛等教派修行工夫的一大特色所在,但向來尚少有專門、深入的探討。對於「煉精化炁」的論述,在諸丹家當中,實以明末的伍沖虛最為精細及詳盡。本篇論文即以伍沖虛的「煉精化炁」說為主要的討論主題,嘗試去追溯伍沖虛「煉精化炁」的思想淵源,同時詳細剖析和探討伍沖虛「煉精化」說的內涵及價值。 全文共分四節。第一節首先回顧及檢討有關伍沖虛的論著。第二節追溯伍沖虛丹法及其「煉精化炁」說的思想淵源。第三節先概述伍沖虛的丹法,再依築基補精、煉己、凝神入炁穴及採封煉止等項目,詳細剖析伍沖虛「煉精化炁」說的具體內涵。最後,則討論伍沖虛「煉精化炁」說的特色、貢獻、意義及與儒、佛二家工夫論的異同。


伍沖虛 煉精化炁 築基 煉己 採藥


”Lianjing huaqi” (Transforming primordial Jing to primordial Qi 煉精化炁) is the life-cultivating kongfu of Zhong liquan-Lü Dongbin inner alchemy school. Compared with Chinese Buddhism and Confucianism, such a kongfu is the distinguishing characteristic of inner alchemy. During all inner alchemists, Wu chongxu, born in late Ming dynasty, is the best one to distinctly explain the ”lianjing huaqi” kongfu. The aim of this article is to trace the origin and to analyze the contents of ”lianjing huaqi” thought of Wu chongxu. This article is divided into four sections. First section reviews the researches concerning Wu chongxu. Second section explores the source of Wu chongxu's inner alchemy and ”lianjing huaqi” thought. Third section firstly expounds the Wu chongxu's inner alchemy thought, and then examines the concrete contents of Wu chongxu's ”lianjing huaqi” kongfu thought, in the order of the refinement of self (lianji 煉己), concentrating one's spirit into Qi Cavity (qixue 炁穴), picking elixir (caiyao 採藥), storing elixir (fengyao 封藥) refining elixir (lianyao 煉藥) and stopping fire (zihuo 止火). The last section explores the characteristic, contribution and meaning of Wu chongxu's ”lianjing Huaqi” thought, and compares the inner alchemy kongfu with Buddhism and Confucianism.


