  • 期刊


A Political-Psychology Analysis of Legislation on Same-Sex Family Rights in Taiwan


對於臺灣的保守宗教團體而言,從2012年開始,同志團體積極推動同性戀家庭權的三個立法草案(「婚姻平權法」、「伴侶制度」、「家屬制度」),強烈衝擊了傳統婚姻制度。面臨「毀家廢婚」的危機,臺灣的宗教團體也出現前所未有的大團結,強力地在立法院阻擋這三個草案進入實質的討論。到了2015年底,有關同性戀家庭權的所有草案,都已經實質上被封殺。取而代之的,是朝著雙方多數可接受的雙軌制「同性伴侶法」的草案而前進。本文使用政治心理學的「團體關係理論」(intergroup theory)以及它常用的「描述方法」(narrative),分析同志團體為何能在兩年之內,突然聚集龐大的政治力量,幾乎在立法院闖關通過同性戀婚姻的相關草案;而宗教團體為何又能在短時間內,有效組成一個跨宗教的聯盟,阻擋這些草案;且在雙方激烈衝突中,出現一個學者社群,推動「同性伴侶法」的構想,成為雙方多數可接受的折衷辦法。因此,未來一兩年,臺灣很有可能成為亞洲第一個通過同性戀家庭權立法的國家。


臺灣 同性戀 宗教 家庭權 政治心理學


Beginning in 2012, Taiwan's gay/lesbian groups actively pushed forward three bills for same-sex family rights, the "Equal Rights Marriage" (hunyin pingquan 婚姻平權) bill, the "Civil Partnership" (banlü zhidu 伴侶制度) bill, and the "Household Institution" (jiashu zhidu 家屬制度) bill, all of which, according to Taiwan's conservative religious groups, violently attacked traditional marriage institutions. Facing the "destroy the family, and discard marriage" (huijia feihun 毀家廢婚) crisis, Taiwanese religious groups appeared in unprecedented unification to fiercely resist the three bills in the legislative house and entered into a discussion of their substance. Towards the end of 2015, the bills regarding same-sex family rights had in essence already been killed. What replaced them was a dual-track system, the "Same-Sex Partnership" (tongxing banlü 同性伴侶) bill, acceptable to the majority on both sides. This paper applies the political-psychology theory of intergroup relations and its often employed methodology of narrative to analyze the following: why, inside two years, the gay/lesbian groups could suddenly mobilize massive political power and nearly force through bills related to same-sex marriage in the legislative house; why religious groups, in a short period of time, could also effectively form a trans-religious coalition to stonewall these bills; and how, in the midst of sharp conflict between the two sides, there emerged an academic community to push forward a proposition for same-sex marriage legislation that became a means of compromise acceptable to the majority on both sides. As a consequence, in the next two years, Taiwan will likely become the first Asian country to pass legislation on same-sex family rights.


〈同性人權與法制〉專刊,《月旦法學》,224 (2014年1月)。
