  • 期刊


The Community Identity and Symbolic Construction of Intellectuals in China's Christian House Churches: A Case Study in Chengdu




Since the 1990s, "Christianity Fever" and "Reformed Theology Fever" have emerged in China's public society. Many famous scholars, writers, and dissidents have converted to Christianity, and some have even become church leaders. This paper, utilizing methods of "Christian Anthropology," analyzes how groups of Christian intellectuals in Chengdu create their own communal identity, symbols, and networks of meaning. The article indicates that numerous dissident intellectuals in Chengdu convert to Christianity and join reformed house churches based on the shared political experiences and expectations of belief of individuals, as well as the democratic appeal and interpersonal networks of the churches. These intellectuals actively publicize and institutionalize the traditional Christian house churches within a complex local society and the bounds of Christian traditions. For example, they publish theology books and church periodicals, provide programs of "Christian Classical Education," construct historical narratives, and edit classical hymnody. All of these formulations construct unique symbols and meanings, which also shape the churches' identities and practices. Unlike the The Three-Self Patriotic Movement (San Zi Ai Guo Yun Dong三自愛國運動) or traditional house churches, these communities of Christian intellectuals and reformed house churches in Chengdu are now constructing a new appearance of Christianity in China and influencing the development of Christian churches there.


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