  • 會議論文


A Post-Occupancy Evaluation Study of Taichung Professional Baseball Field


隨著職棒產業的發展,經營與滿足球迷的滿意度漸受到各球團的重視,職業運動需要觀賞者的不斷支持才能永續經營獲利,球迷也是整個職業運動的最大資產,所以職棒產業經營者應從球迷的層面考量其需求,除了基本球賽與球員的表現水準提升以外,探討球迷對球場設施環境的滿意度,也是作為職棒運動未來發展的重要指標之一。 本研究以用後評估(Post-Occupancy Evaluation,簡稱POE)之角度與方法探討使用者與棒球場設施環境的關係,目的主要是了解職棒球場設施環境的發展與現況,及其滿意度情形,並檢討目前職棒球場之缺點,依據評估檢討結果,歸納出職棒球場之用後評估要點,提供給球場未來更新或興建新球場時的參考。而用後評估為透過有系統且客觀的研究方法,以使用者的角度對使用後之建築環境或建藥量體的使用功能,進行檢測評估的方式。研究方法是利用台中職棒球場設施環境滿意度問卷進行調查,輔以觀察、測量方式,以獲得更完整具體的評估分析資料。研究對象為台中棒球場之現場球迷,結果為球迷對球場設施環境滿意度介於「不滿意」與「普通」之間,屬於中下程度。而用後評估要點為看台與交通部分,看台包含座位、防雨遮陽設備、洗手間、排水系統,交通包含停車場與周邊街道。


職棒球場 用後評估 滿意度


In the developing professional baseball industry; professional team had paid much attention to fans satisfaction. The professional sport needed spectators' support to run the business and to earn profit. Fans were like the most valuable asset to all the professional sport, so the managers in professional baseball industry should consider fans' needs. In addition to improving or enhancing the levels of player and game performance, a study of facilities satisfaction could be an important indication of professional baseball games. Therefore, Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) was adopted to analyze the relationship of the public usage and baseball facilities in this study. The purposes were to understand the developing condition and user's satisfaction of professional baseball facilities, to review the data and make a conclusion in accordance with POE main points, and to provide suggestions for renewing and building a baseball field. POE used the public's opinions and objective method to evaluate a building's function. The research method was combined with observation, survey and the facilities satisfaction questionnaire of professional baseball fields in Taichung, so that it obtained more complete and specific data. Research objects were the fans at professional baseball fields in Taichung. The research result of fans satisfaction was between dissatisfied and average. And the POE main points were bleachers and traffic. Bleachers included seat, rainproof canopy, lavatory, drainage systemic. Traffic included parking and street.


