  • 會議論文


Cognitive Goals of Practicing Leisure Education Program on the College Students of the 2-year Institute Programs of Division of Continuing Education in the Chienkuo Technology University


本研究主要目的旨在了解,對大學院校課程中實施休閒教育的認知程度,驗證其認知之實施模式與認知差異情形。研究以建國科技大學夜二技一年級學生為對象,採問卷調查的方式,共回收有效問卷301份。回收有效問卷經統計分析後,結果發現:1.受訪青少年有85%同意並認為在學校中可實施休閒教育,而體育課則是一個良好的管道之一;2.夜二技一年級學生對於休閒教育因素認知程度依序為「自我休閒覺知」、「休閒資源利用」和「社交互動技巧」,如果在進修部二技實施休閒教育的話,以上休閒教育因素認知程度排序可提供課程規劃之參考依據。3.在夜二技一年級學生認知休閒教育課程實施模式驗證方面,本研究所提出的8個休閒教育實施目標因素,具有良好的適合度,因此本研究之 8 個因素可作為休閒教育實施目標之參考4.從研究結果可得知,休閒教育實施目標各因素之間具有高度的相關存在。5.夜二技一年級學生在休閒教育實施目標認知之差異情形方面,結果顯示不同性別的大學生,在認知情形並無顯著差異存在。基於上述發現,研究者建議大學院校可針對學生需求,在相關課程中或開設休閒教育課程,來提昇學生的休閒品質;此外並建議未來研究者可參考此模式,應用與發展不同的休閒教育實施模式。


休閒教育 課程 認知模式 大學生


The purpose of this study aimed to understand the cognitive situation and verify the cognitive difference for leisure education program (LEP) practiced in the universities. The research was design to establish and confirm implication goals of LEP. This questionnaire was adopted from college students of the 2-year institute programs of Division of Continuing Education in the Chienkuo Technology University, random sampling method was used, and 301 effective questionnaires were collected. After statistics analysis the results are as follows: a. The 85% students agreed that the LEP can be put into practice in the university, and the physical education curriculum is appropriate. b. The factors of cognitive situation ordered by degree are 「be aware of self in leisure」, 「use resources facilitating leisure」 and 「interact socially during leisure」. The above conclusion could be referred when LEP is practiced for college students of the 2-year institute programs of Division of Continuing Education. c. On the verification of LEP model test, this paper proposed eight factors of cognitive situation to help practicing LEP. d. From the results of this paper, these eight factors of cognitive situation are highly interrelated each other. e. The sex of college students of the 2-year institute programs of Division of Continuing Education has significance different on the cognitive situation of LEP. Not only we can apply the results of this study to support leisure recreation for the need of college student, but also propose suggestions for the future research to develop different model of leisure education through this research.
