  • 會議論文


A Study on Participating Motivation, Customer Satisfaction, and Brand Loyalty of Health and Fitness Club Members in Taichung City


本研究以台中市健康體適能俱樂部為研究對象,主要在探討會員參與動機、顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度之現況,首先對樣本結構做分析,其次分別對參與動機、顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度做分析,最後探討人口統計變項中不同性別在參與動機與顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度是否有顯著相差異? 本研究採問卷調查法,抽取450位台中市健康體適能俱樂部之會員。根據實際調查所得資料,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定分析等統計方法,進行資料分析,得到以下結論:1.台中市健康體適能俱樂部之會員,女性會員比例高於男性會員;會籍方面,終身會員比例遠低於非終身會員;使用頻率以每週至俱樂部活動2次居多;停留時間以1~2小時最多;使用時段以18:00~21:00最多;在選擇加入俱樂部的主要原因以公司或住家就在附近為最高。2.會員對參與動機問項中,在前三項依序為:(1)可以減少疾病的發生,增進健康;(2)可以培養體型的健美與節奏感;(3)可以增強我的體適能;復三項為(1)能使我擴大知識領域:(2)使我的想法和感覺能向他人表露;(3)使我的想像力和創造力得以發揮。3.會員對顧客滿意度問項中,最滿意前三項依序為:(1)開放時段;(2)所提供教學的內容與可選擇性;(3)運動場館的空間大小;最不滿意依序為(1)促銷情況;(2)對此健身俱樂部的廣告(出現率、可看性等吸引力);(3)加入此健身俱樂部會員之價格。4.在品牌忠試度方面,在請問您會將此健身俱樂部推薦給您的親朋好友嗎?的問項中,選擇「會」跟「一定會」的會員共有220位,佔55.3%;假設您的會員証到期,您願意再選擇此健身俱樂部嗎?的問項中,選擇「願意」跟「非常願意」的會員共193位,只佔48.5%,品牌忠誠度並不高,甚至有點偏低。5.不同性別之會員在參與動機、顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度上均無顯著差異。


The purposes of this study were to reveal the characteristics of demographic variables, motivation, participation, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of Taichung Health and Fitness Club members. First, it uses the analysis with sample structure. Second, it analysis the members' participating motivation and customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Finally it probe the difference with sex on members' participating motivation, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty about Taichung Health and Fitness Club. The questionnaire ”Survey of the Participating Motivation, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Taichung Health and Fitness Club members” was employed. 450 Taichung Health and Fitness Club members served as the subjects of this study. The data collected were further analyzed with descriptive statistics, Independent T-test. Within the scope of the study, it was concluded that: 1. The ratio of female members was higher than male members; the life-member were less than non-life members; the frequency of use was ”two times per week”; the staying period time was ”1-2 hours”; most members attended the club at 6 p.m.~9 p.m. ; The major consideration factor was ”near the company or residence”. 2. Three major motivations were: (1) The needs of ”health of body”. (2) Develop the shape of body and rhythm. (3) Increasing the physical fitness; The last three items were: (1) Enlarge the knowledge field. (2) Show the feelings with others. (3) Display the imagination and creativity. 3. The three most satisfaction items in ”Customer satisfaction” were: (1) Opening hours (2) The content of teaching and selectivity (3) The space of club; The most unsatisfied were: (1) Promotion ways (2) The advertisement about the club(frequency of occurrence and attraction) (3) The price of joining the club. 4. With the loyalty item about ”Would you suggest this club to your relatives?”, the members' answer 「YES」 and 「Certainly YES」 have 220 members, with the ratio of 55.3%; With the item ”If the membership certification were expired, would you select this club again?”, the members' answer 「Wants」 and 「Extremely wants」 have 193 members, with the ratio of 48.5%, and less brand loyalty, even lower. 5. No differences were found in members' participation, customers' satisfaction and loyalty at their sex.


