  • 會議論文


A Research on Customers' Participation Motivation and Satisfaction by the Users of the Slow-pitch Court in Chung-hua County


本研究旨在瞭解目前彰化縣慢速壘球場在人口統計變項、參與行為、參與動機以及顧客滿意度之特徵,並比較不同人口統計變項在參與動機以及顧客滿意度之差異。 本研究以560位彰化縣慢速壘球顧客為研究對象,根據實際調查所得的資料,以描述性統計(次數分配百分比、平均數、標準差)t考驗、單因子變異數分析以及雪費事後檢定等統計方法,進行資料分析,經過分析結果獲得以下結論: 一、研究對象婚姻以未婚居多;學歷階段方面以大學佔大部份;職業方面以軍公教較多;在家庭每月收入方面以15,000 元以下居多;年齡則多集中在21-30 歲;在參與年資方面多為二至四年。 二、慢速壘球場顧客之主要參與動機為「抒解壓力」;對慢速壘球場顧客較滿意的構面為「裁判的專業能力」而較不滿意的構面為「增進身體健康」。 三、不同的人口統計變項,在參與動機以及顧客滿意度上,有顯著差異存在。


The purpose of the study was to explore the demographic variables, participative behaviors, satisfaction of customs of the slow pitch training hall in Changhua County. In addition, the study tried to compare the differences of participative behaviors and satisfaction of customs among the demographic variables. The subjects in this study were five hundred sixty members of the slow pitch training hall in Changhua County. Descriptive statistics including frequency distribution percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and scheffe methods were utilized to analyze the data. The results were as follows. First, the percentage of male members was slightly higher than that of the female. Most of the studied subjects had 2 to 4 year experience. Most of the subjects graduated from the colleges; the family income was mostly between 15000 NT dollars per month. Besides, their ages were between 21 and 30 years old. Second, the main participative motivation of the customs who joined the slow pitch training was to ”reveal the stress.” The item, the coach's professional ability, was the main factor of satisfaction of customs. The item, companion relationship, was the main factor of dissatisfaction of customs. Third, there were significant differences in members' participative motivation, satisfaction and behaviors of the demographic variables.


