  • 會議論文


The Effects of Sport Sponsorship on Brand Equity-Taking MAXXIS Sponsoring Small Race Tracks as an Example


品牌是企業一無形的重要資產,因此品牌權益的建立,是企業重要經營課題。而運動贊助是目前是全球企業目前普遍使用的行銷策略,本研究以運動贊助與品牌權益兩個構念,探討運動贊助對品牌權益之影響。本研究以2008年9月25日至10月25日於彰化縣溪湖K1小型賽車場之消費者,建立運動贊助對品牌權益影響之模式,並以迴歸分析探討各變數之關係。本研究採問卷調查方法,共發放160份問卷,回收有效問卷150份。研究結果有幾點發現與建議: 1.運動贊助對品牌權益有正向影響。 2.運動贊助中「消費者對贊助企業的態度」及「消費者對於贊助事件的態度」對於品牌權益的「品牌忠誠度」、「知覺品質」、「品牌聯想」的影響均最為顯著。 3.運動贊助中「贊助企業與贊助事件的配適度」對於品牌權益的「品牌知名度」有最顯著的影響。綜合以上研究結果,本研究認為MAXXIS贊助小型賽車對於MAXXIS品牌權益的提升有所助益,有效提升企業的品牌知名度及品牌形象。


運動贊助 品牌權益


Brand is an important invisible asset of a corporation. Therefore, the construction of brand equity has become a significant management issue of a corporation. Sport sponsorship is a commonly used marketing strategy among corporations in the world. This research discussed the influence of sport sponsorship on brand equity through the concept of sport sponsorship and brand equity. This research constructed a model of the influence of sport sponsorship on brand equity through the consumers of a small-scale K1 karting center in Hsihu, Changhua County from Setember 25, 2008 to October 25, 2008, and discussed the relationship between each variable through regression analysis. This research was based on the questionnaire survey. A total of 160 questionnaires were distributed, among which 150 were valid. The result and suggestions of this research are as follows: 1. Sport sponsorship has a positive influence on brand equity. 2. Among all factors of sports sponsorship, ”consumers' attitude towards sponsors” and ”consumers' attitude towards sponsorships” have significant influence on the following types of brand equity: ”brand loyalty”, ”perceived quality” and ”brand associations”. 3. Among all factors of sport sponsorship, ”the fitness of sponsors and sponsorships” has the most significant influence on ”brand awareness”. Based on the above findings, this research concluded that the sponsorship of MAXXIS on small racing cars could help to promote the brand equity of MAXXIS because it could efficiently enhance the brand awareness and brand image of MAXXIS.


sport sponsorship brand equity
