  • 會議論文


Resident's Attitudes of Tourism Development in Rural Area


1970年來旅遊趨勢開始朝向「自然、文化」,自然文化魅力與生態獨特性成為觀光的新引力。相關文獻指出鄉村觀光發展時,地方觀光政策與當地居民態度需相互配合,當地方產業與居民生活相關時,更需由居民的力量來支持。大多以居民觀光衝擊態度評估(Tourism Impact Attitude Scale,簡稱TIAS)的調查,了解當地居民對觀光發展的態度。本研究以台南白河蓮花產業文化觀光與台南四草生態觀光為研究對象。白河地區靠著蓮花產業開發觀光潛力;而四草地區,在居民與生態共存發展下產生觀光發展的機會。兩者雖以鄉村觀光為主軸,卻因資源、空間區位、運作模式之差異,產生不同觀光政策發展。故本文欲藉由TIAS衡量法,探討兩地區間不同之居民態度認知,尋找潛藏之居民態度和政策衝突,並且對鄉村觀光未來發展有較為清晰的認識。


The nature, culture and ecological resources have become new attractions for tourists since 1970. It actually needs interactions between local policy and resident's positive responses and supports in promoting the rural tourism from evidences of many studies. For this, an analysis of ”Tourism Impact Attitude Scale (TIAS)” has been frequently introduced to discuss resident's attitudes. This study tries to compare two cases in developing tourism, Lotus cultural tourism in Baihe and ecotourism in Setsou area. Baihe is famous due to the Lotus industry and Setsou was regenerated by successful coexistence of local residents and eco-resources. For exploring characteristics and advantages of tourism in rural area, we discuss background, strategies and policies of Baihe and Setsou, and analyze resident's attitudes on rural cultural and ecological tourism through the TIAS method. The results are expected to find possible issues and conflicts between residents and rural tourism, and propose suggestions for further development of rural tourism.


resident's attitude ecotourism rural tourism
