  • 會議論文


Using Transportation Policies to Promote Zone's Local Tourism Development in Taiwan


發展觀光事業對於國民所得、就業與外匯收入貢獻極大,係促進都市發展的重要策略之一,因觀光景點的交通便利性影響旅客遊憩意願甚鉅,大眾運輸導向之發展是解決問題方法之ㄧ。故可知運輸政策與觀光發展之研究對於觀光發展極為重要,但綜觀國內目前除ㄧ些國外城市具實務參考價值外,在學界則甚少討論,故可預知將成為於觀光發展的重要課題之ㄧ。 本研究基於觀光發展與運輸政策具有相輔相成的關係,且兩者均為促進都市發展的契機,針對捷運系統與都市觀光發展之影響,以世界上具代表性之城市為例,提出有價值之發展策略。研究結果提供相關政府單位、業界與學術界作為未來交通對旅遊之規劃、管理策略的參考依據。


The development of tourism industry makes a lot of contribution to national income, employment, and exchange rate income. It is also one of the critical strategies for urban development. An easy access to those tour sights would be a great factor to influence tourists' intention for visiting. One of the solution is the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Thus, it would be regarded as valuable to study the impact of both transportation policies and tourism to the tourism development. It's observed that except some abroad cities with his practical operation experience, the captioned issues were rarely studied or discussed in academic fields, which would therefore be expected to be one of the future major concerned topics on tourism development. This study aims at the interaction of tourism and transportation policies which both are the momentum to promote tourism development. Some city is representative of the world is taken as an empirical research. The outcome of this study can referred for policy planning in public sector, and academic research.
