  • 會議論文


Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Traveler's Intention on Bicycle Trip Round Taiwan


近年來,自行車運動已經成爲台灣熱門的休閒活動和日常交通運輸工具。而長途的自行車旅遊如自行車環台對台灣的經濟、社會和環境有深遠的效益,但我們對自行車旅遊活動卻仍缺乏深入的研究和瞭解。本研究以計劃行爲理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB)之概念爲基礎,並利用線性結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)進行自行車環台者之態度、主觀規範、知覺行爲控制與行爲意圖間之探討。本研究以網路電子問卷之方式針對曾參與或近期內意圖進行自行車環台者進行發放,共回收400份有效問卷。一、自行車環台者對環台之態度會正向影響其行爲意圖,其中,以自行車環台者對參與自行車環島的認知態度爲影響行爲意圖之關鍵。二、自行車環台者會因主觀規範而正向影響其行爲意圖,以媒體和社會氛圍的影響性爲最大。三、自行車環台者對環台的知覺行爲控制會正向影響其行爲意圖,其中,又以環台者對自身是否能騎完全程。是否能堅持自行車環台的目標和是否有效處理環台過程中發生的問題等自我效能條件最爲重要。


Recently emerging trends are pointing to bike riding as an important mode of recreation and transportation in Taiwan. A long-term bicycle travel like cycling round Taiwan is a growing activity that has the potential to provide economic, social and environmental benefits to regional areas and the wider community. However, the development of cycle tourism has been hindered by a lack of understanding. This paper uses the theory of planned behavior to study the traveler's intention on bicycle trip round Taiwan and investigate the relationships between attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control by structural equation modeling. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to those respondents who are identified as actual or potential cycle tourists round Taiwan. Empirical results reveal that (1) traveler's attitude toward the behavior is positively to intention and cognition is the key factor to link the behavior of interest to expected outcomes; (2) subject norm, especially the influence form media and environment, positively encourages traveler to engage in the cycle trip; (3) the effect of traveler's perception of his/her ability to complete trip and to deal with the accidental events in the long journey is positively supported.


