  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Diet Preferences of Patients with Metabolic Syndrome Who Underwent Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery


背景 冠心症患者接受冠狀動脈繞道手術後並非一勞永逸,提供心肌血流的血管也可能發生再次狹窄或阻塞,故手術後更需要減少危險因子,如飲食型態,才能維持血管長期的通暢。目的 為探討代謝症候群於冠狀動脈繞道術後病患其飲食習慣。方法 本研究採橫斷式研究方法,以立意取樣,於北部某區域醫院收案共104人進行調查。研究工具包括基本資料問卷與飲食頻率問卷,資料收集後以SPSS 17.0進行統計分析。結果 發現研究對象在手術後所攝取的蔬菜類、奶類之頻率較低,油炸類食品較高;烹調油使用頻率亦偏高。結論 研究對象飲食型態仍應增加蔬菜之攝取,在烹調油及油炸食物的食用頻率應減少,亟需改善飲食型態的攝取頻率以提升較佳之飲食習慣。又研究對象之準備三餐者有半數為配偶,故指導飲食衛教時,更需著重在準備三餐者的飲食觀念與烹調方式;此結果期望可提供醫護人員在術後飲食衛教的參考,讓病患與家人有健康飲食攝取的觀念及落實。


Background: The coronary artery disease (CAD) patients are not free of disease recurrence following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. There may be risk of restenosis or occlusion in coronary blood flow. Risk reduction, such as diet control, is needed for long-term vascular patency.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the diet preferences of post coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients with metabolic syndrome.Methods: A cross-section research design and purposive sampling were conducted in this study. The study was conducted at a general hospital in northern Taiwan. A total of 104 samples recruited. And given a respondent demographics questionnaire and Chinese food frequency questionnaire. Eata were managed and analyzed using SPSS 17.0 software.Results: We found that postoperative patients ate less vegetables and milk and more fried food. They also used cooking oil more frequently.Conclusion: We recommend that patients after CABG surgery take more vegetables with less fried food and cooking oil. They should improve their diet preferences and eating habit. More than half of the patients have meals prepared by their spouses. More emphasis should be focused on improving the health knowledge of those who prepare food. We hope this result can provide more information about postoperative diet education for medical staff and help patients and their families consume a diet richer in healthy foods.
