  • 期刊


Action Research on the Use of the Flipped Teaching Model in Obstetric Nursing Laboratory Classes




Background: Obstetric nursing laboratory courses typically involve both time and credit limitations. Using traditional teaching methods such as "teacher demonstrate, students imitate" in these courses provides insufficient opportunities for students to develop the ideal level of maternity nursing expertise. Lack of sufficient familiarity with the relevant techniques, procedures, and clinical scenarios prior to participation in internships reduces the level of safety in clinical care environments. Purposes: (1) To explore the effectiveness as perceived by baccalaureate nursing students of an obstetric nursing laboratory classes based on a flipped teaching model; (2) To examine the application of a flipped teaching model in obstetric nursing laboratory classes as well as the problems encountered and the actions necessary to resolve these problems. The findings may be used as a reference for future teaching and guidance. Methods: This study used an action research framework as a guide and employed focus groups and questionnaires to collect student perceptions of the flipped teaching model. Results: The feedback of students was highly positive because the classes involved repeated practice, were integrated into the clinical context, and allowed active learning independent of time and space restrictions. These attributes affected learning efficiency positively. The following four themes emerged from the focus group analysis: helps improve self-directed learning, helps integrate into the clinical context, helps peers learn from each other, and helps bring teachers and students closer. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: This study demonstrated an actual implementation of the flipped teaching model in obstetric nursing laboratory classes as well as assessed the learning perceptions of students. This teaching method provides opportunities for teachers and students to discuss and practice nursing skills, strengthen students' self-directed learning capabilities, and improve students' learning motivation. The author recommends that this innovative teaching strategy may be used to teach various subjects and different disciplines in nursing.


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