  • 期刊


Utilization of Subsistence Resources and the Development of Small-Scale Societies: Comparative Perspectives on the Maritime Hypothesis and Feasting / Consumption Behaviors


人口數量相對稀少且缺乏制度化社會階序的小規模社會,貫穿歷史長河且普遍存在於世界的各個角落,而其如何隨著時間推移逐漸發展出相對複雜的社會組織,一直以來都是重要的考古學議題之一。以早期安地斯沿海地區為例,本文著重討論生業資源的取得與利用,及其與社會發展可能的關係。透過對Huaca Negra、Cerro Lampay、Gramalote等三個遺址出土資料的摘要與詮釋,分別從「單一地點的縱時性」以及「多元地點的同時性」的角度進行比較分析,初步的結果可用來回應「與安地斯文明發展密切相關的海洋假說」,以及「與生業資源操控相關的宴飲消費行為」。目前的比較結果不只從生業經濟的面相彰顯了小規模社會發展途徑的多元性與能動性,同時也鼓勵後續更大尺度的跨區域比較,透過由下而上的視角,累積包括臺灣在內不同區域的小規模社會相關資料,應有益於理解人類早期歷史中,生業活動與社會發展間的互動關係。


Small-scale societies, characterized by lacking institutionalized hierarchy and as groups of limited population, are prevalent across time and space throughout human history. Archaeologists have always been interested in the developmental trajectories of these societies and their pathways to complexity. Taking the cases from the early Andean Coast, this article focuses on the possible relationship between subsistence utilization and societal development. By summarizing and interpreting data from Huaca Negra, Cerro Lampay, and Gramalote, this article conducts both diachronic comparison of one site (Huaca Negra) and synchronic comparison among different sites. The results offer new perspectives to the critical idea of Maritime Foundations of Andean Civilization and to the discussion of feasting as a possible power strategy. This work not only illustrates the diverse developmental trajectories of small-scale societies within the Andean context but also encourages more input of comparative cases across regions. A comparative perspective would depict a clearer picture of the interaction between subsistence activities and early societies.


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