  • 期刊


From South Asia to France: The Transnational (Re)migration of Tibetan Refugees


本研究歷經兩年多,聚焦最近二十年經南亞(印度、尼泊爾)直接或輾轉移居至法國的藏人難民/流亡藏人(Tibetan refugees),目的在理解當代藏人自南亞向其他社會遷移的現象,及其在法國「安身」(settling in)過程中身分的轉變與不同階段人群關係的建立及延伸。文中透過不同個人對移動與離散經驗的敘事,呈現既固著於生活日常、又嵌合於大環境的生命經驗與身分描述,從中探討「移動」所串連起的人、事、時、地,如何成為意義化個人生命與社群認同的語彙及概念,希望由此更深入理解鑲嵌於「移動」與「離散」過程中各種界線的移轉與跨越,以及因社會情境變動而更加複雜與流動的社群經驗。透過這個新的民族誌案例,本研究期待以一個跳脫南亞脈絡、更具全球性的視野,檢視當代藏人社群流動與跨國遷徙的現象,並試圖理解時代更迭、世代延展與跨域的社會文化經歷,如何影響(及重構)不同個人對自我生命經驗與認同的認知與陳述。


This article focuses on the migration flows of Tibetan refugees from South Asia, where they or their parents first settled after fleeing Tibet, to France, in the past two decades. Based on the fieldwork carried out in both France and India between 2016 and 2019, this study casts light on the daily lives of Tibetans living in France and their involvement in transnational practices across national boundaries. It explores how the Tibetan refugees engage with an increasingly fragmented and mobile world of diaspora, and how they negotiate their identities (being stateless and being Tibetan) with different "others." Focusing on the Tibetan newcomers in France, this study observes the dynamics enacted in the relationships between Tibetans of different origins. It also explores the ambiguities that are played out and reflected in assertions about being "Tibetan refugees." The findings suggest that the recent migratory flows of young people have become an important trend, bringing social and cultural changes from within and outside diasporic Tibetan communities, and thereby renegotiating the boundaries of "being Tibetan" and "being refugees." Overall, this article provides a significant and insightful ethnography of the Tibetan diaspora today, and rethinks the anthropological methodology for dealing with people "on the move."


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