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Case report of Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction for treatment of comminuted fracture of tibial shaft after operation


這位22歲女性,在2018年9月2日左側脛骨骨幹閉鎖性粉碎性骨折,經過骨折開放性復位及內固定(Open reduction of internal fixation, ORIF),五個多月後患部外觀仍腫脹,X光下骨折癒合情況不理想,且病人常感左側小腿抽痛、麻痛、觸電感,夜眠也時常因左小腿抽痛而中斷。綜合上述困擾的症狀,病人於2019年2月14日初次中醫門診就醫,經中醫辨證屬於脾虛濕困型,先予主方香砂六君子湯袪濕補脾胃調理本質,輔以續斷、骨碎補、杜仲補益肝腎、強筋壯骨,臨證加減,服用中藥約四十天後左側脛骨X光下新骨長成,治療兩個多月後左側小腿抽痛、麻痛、觸電感大幅減輕,追蹤X光影像學左側脛骨骨折癒合恢復良好且持續長出新骨。


Complications of fractures are common orthopedic problems, and will cause many medical burdens. This 22-year-old woman had a closed comminuted fracture of the left tibial shaft on September 2, 2018. After open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture, the appearance of the affected part was still swollen after more than five months, and the fracture healing was not ideal under X-rays. And patients often feel pain, numbness, and touch in the left calf, and sleep at night is often interrupted by pain in the left calf. Based on the symptoms mentioned above, the patient went to the Chinese medicine clinic for the first time on February 14, 2019. The syndrome of Chinese medicine is of spleen deficiency and dampness type. The main prescription is Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction for dampness of the spleen and stomach. Gusuibu, Eucommia tonic liver and kidney, strong muscles and strong bones, clinical card addition and subtraction, after taking Chinese medicine for about 40 days, new bones grow on the left tibia X-ray, after treatment for more than two months left leg calf pain, numbness, touch inductance Substantially reduced, follow-up X-ray imaging of left tibia fracture healing and recovery and new bone continued to grow.


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