  • 期刊


A Case Study Related to the Combination of Bone Vibration Technique and Acupoint Massage for the Improvement of Traumatic Brain Injury


目的:現今醫療科技進步,雖可處理重大創傷及各種意外傷害,但對於某些慢性疾病或創傷,復健後仍無法使之改善至較良好狀態。本研究藉由震骨法合併穴道推拿方式介入單一個案,以探討其創傷性腦傷之血壓、血氧變化,及其手足痙攣之改善狀況。方法:介入震骨法合併穴道推拿,為期十六週,每週一次,每次時間為2小時。每次操作前後,測量一次血壓血氧,及其肩、肘、腕部伸展之最大角度,和其雙腿之長度。本研究使用SPSS for Windows 20.0軟體,計算參與者之血壓、血氧、右上肢關節角度、雙腿長度之平均數與標準差數值,以瞭解受試者在各變項上之動力演變(dynamical changes)。結果:1.研究參與者之收縮壓與舒張壓,於第九週之後即趨近於標準值,其十六週各變項平均數據分別為:收縮壓 121.84 ± 8.47 mmHg,舒張壓為85.50 ± 7.24 mmHg,脈搏為70.44 ± 7.89下,血氧為97.91 ± 1.3 %。2.概述右上肢各關節角度變化,右肩由最低80°變成170°,右腕由最低100°變成170°,右肘由最低140°變成180°。3.經皮爾森積差相關分析,發現其舒張壓與右肩、右肘、右腕角度呈現顯著正相關關係(p <. 05),而右腿長度與右肩、右肘、右腕之間亦呈現顯著高度相關關係(p <.01)。結論:震骨療法合併穴道推拿對創傷性腦傷患者之高血壓的收縮壓、舒張壓、每分鐘脈博數有正面之影響,並可改善創傷性腦傷患者痙攣的手足活動度。經由皮爾森積差相關分析參與者之右腿與右上肢(右肩角度、右肘角度、右腕角度)之間關係,係呈現顯著高度相關關係,如此結合中醫理論,可進一步驗證十二經絡可循環相生,即手經至足經、再由足經循環至手經,經絡氣血通暢則手足互為影響。


Purpose: Although medical technology could deal with major trauma and various accidental injuries, it had limitations to achieve a better state for some chronic diseases or post-traumatic rehabilitation. This study investigated the changes in blood pressure and right hand angles of a single patient with traumatic brain injury. Methods: There was bone vibration technique intervened for 2 hours per week in 16 weeks. Before and after each operation, the researchers measured the participant's blood pressure, the maximum angles of shoulder, elbow, and wrist extensions, and the length of both legs. The SPSS for Windows 20.0 software was used to analyze the data mentioned above, and the dynamical changes of the variables were performed. Results: 1. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures approached to the standard values after week 9. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures were 121.84 ± 8.47 and 85.50 ± 7.24 mmHg, respectively, with the pulse 70.44 ± 7.89 beats/min and blood oxygen at 97.91 ± 1.3 %. 2. The right shoulder angles changed from 80° to 170°, with right wrist from 100° to 170° and right elbow from 140° to 180°. 3. Via the Pearson product-moment correlation analyses, it were found that the diastolic blood pressure was significantly positively correlated with the angles of the right shoulder, right elbow, and right wrist (p < .05), and that the right leg length showed significant correlations between the right shoulder, right elbow, and right wrist (p < .01). Conclusions: Bone vibration technique combined with acupoint massage can improve the systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate per minute in patients with traumatic brain injury. It can also improve the range of motion in hands and feet. Combined with the theories of the ancient traditional medicine (via the Pearson correlation analysis on the participant's right hand and right foot), we further made the following statements: it was verified that the twelve meridians can coexist and circulate in the hand-foot-hand meridians sequence.


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黃如玉:瞭解台灣醫師對於脊骨神經醫學的認知之初探 ( 未出版之博士論文 ),國立臺灣大學,臺灣台北 2008。
