  • 期刊


Analysis and Comparison of Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Raoping Hakka Spoken in Guangdong, China and Qionglin, Taiwan


本文研究廣東饒平與臺灣芎林饒平的兩字組變調,這兩個方言的聲調系統十分相近,但前字變調則不盡相同。在描述上,本文有兩項觀察:一、這兩個方言之舒聲變調皆變為低調域聲調,入聲變調也會改變調域;二、廣東饒平的舒聲變調多會受到後字調值或調型影響,而臺灣穹林饒平則是入聲變調會受到後字調值或調型影響。在理論上,本文有兩個重點: 一、修訂文獻上提出的聲調結構,進一步論證聲調變化可分別發生在調根、調域、調型及調值四個層次;二、提出同一組制約來建構造兩個方言的變調語法,並從制約局部分級的觀點來探討方言差異。


This paper discusses the disyllabic tone sandhi of two Raoping Hakka dialects, respectively spoken in Guangdong, China and Qionglin, Taiwan. These two dialects have very similar tone systems, but left syllables in each dialect exhibit different tone sandhi patterns. Descriptively, this paper observes two patterns. First, the smooth tones in both dialects surface as low-registered, while the checked tones also emerge with a different register. Second, most of the smooth tones in Guangdong Raoping, and the checked tones in Qionglin Raoping, are affected by the tone pitch or tone melody of the right syllable. Theoretically, this paper argues for two points. First, tonal changes occur at four levels: tone root, tone register, tone pitch, and tone melody. Second, the grammar of tone sandhi consists of a set of universal constraints, partial ordering of which results in dialectal variation.


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