  • 期刊


The Early Religious Perspective of Zhou Zuoren and the Transformation of Discourses on Chinese Novels




周作人 基督教 小說 現代性 漢語性


The present article discusses how modes of Western religious thought have influenced the conceptual transformation of modern Chinese novels. Based on Zhou Zuoren's 周作人 (1885-1967) early discourses on fiction, this article attempts to analyze the formation of his "expressing aspiration" 言志 literary viewpoint during the May Fourth Movement. To begin, the manner in which young Zhou's religious thought correlated with his discourses on novels and entered the conceptual structure of his writings is discussed. Secondly, this article reexamines Zhou's "expressing aspiration" discourses, analyzing how he localized spiritual resources of Western religious beliefs with references to traditional poetics and the human nature of Christianity, from which he differentiated "human" characteristics and modes of "feeling," developing the concept of the novel from the late Qing dynasty onwards. Zhou himself had experienced life from the late Qing to the May Fourth Movement, and based on this background as well as the influences introduced to China by early missionaries, he continuously promoted related notions within the evolution of the Chinese language.


Zhou Zuoren Christianity novels modernity Chinese style


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