  • 期刊


Using Two Types of Trap for Assessing Montane Dung Beetles Diversity in Central Taiwan


為了解臺灣中部山區糞金龜物種組合差異及分布範圍,本研究自2018年2月至10月在臺21線新中橫沿線,從海拔800、1200、1600、2000、2400到2800公尺,每隔400公尺共6個海拔梯度各設立攔截板陷阱,及以新鮮牛糞為誘餌的掉落陷阱兩種裝置收集糞金龜。結果共紀錄了33種,其中蜉金龜亞科13種,糞金龜亞科20種。攔截板陷阱所獲共有33種2810隻,以新鮮牛糞為誘餌的掉落陷阱,則獲有20種3884隻,兩者共獲6694隻的糞金龜,攔截板陷阱可採得所有糞金龜的種類,但新鮮牛糞為誘餌的掉落陷阱獲得了較多的個體數,部分無法誘集到的種類可能與其不對牛糞偏好有關;海拔1600公尺不論陷阱種類都收集到了最多的種類數與個體數,海拔2800公尺則最少,6-8月間則有最多的種類與個體活動,糞金龜亞科最高出現在海拔2000公尺,蜉金龜亞科則在所有的海拔梯度都有出現;不論那一種陷阱,蜉金龜亞科都是個體數量最優勢類群,最優勢種為Chilothorax lieni,可跨1200-2800公尺5個海拔梯度,共累積有615隻(佔總個體數的9.1%)。


To assess the species compositional differences of dung beetles and their distribution in the central Taiwan, this study conducted field surveys by flight intercept and cattle dung pitfall trap in six elevational gradients at 400 m interval between 800 and 2800 m a.s.l. along the Highway No. 21 of Taiwan from February to October, 2018. A total of 33 species were recorded, of which 13 species were Aphodiinae and 20 species were Scarabaeinae. In total, the two trap types captured 6694 dung beetles that the flight intercept captured 2810 dung beetles in 33 species, and the cattle dung pitfall trap 3884 dung beetles in 20 species. Our results indicated that the flight intercept trap collected all the 33 species found in this study and the cattle dung baited pitfall trap performed better in the number of specimens but trapped fewer species probably because some aphodiines did not have a predilection for cattle dung. We also found that the site at 1600 m a.s.l. composed of the highest number of species and specimens of dung beetles, while the site at 2800 m a.s.l. the least. It appeared that during June to August had we collected the most species and individuals of dung beetles. The highest record of elevational distribution of Scarabaeinae was found at 2000 m a.s.l., and the Aphodiinae was found to distribute at all the six elevations in our sampling sites. In addition, Aphodiinae was the most abundant group in both of the trap types with the most abundant individuals collected during the surveys. Yet, based on the collected 615 Chilothorax lieni specimens during the field surveys, Chilothorax lieni was the most dominant species distributed from 1200-2800 a.s.l. that accounted for about 9.1% of all the dung beetles surveyed.
