  • 期刊


A Comparative Study on Seasonal Variation of Ozone in Xitou Forest and Zhushan Environment


臭氧對人體健康及環境影響的研究在公共健康及大氣環境科學領域是非常重要的課題。本研究目的是利用臭氧分析儀監測溪頭森林環境臭氧濃度季節變動,並且比較平日、週末及週日的24小時變動特性。同時與環境保護署竹山站之監測數據比較,探討臭氧來源與對人體健康的影響。研究結果顯示溪頭四季的臭氧濃度很顯著的低於竹山地區,臭氧濃度的高低變動趨勢兩地區的相似性很高。溪頭空氣中臭氧濃度,以春季日平均濃度最高為21.50±15.84 ppb,四季臭氧濃度大小順序為春季>秋季>冬季>夏季。竹山地區空氣中臭氧濃度,以秋季日平均濃度最高為37.25±25.56 ppb,四季臭氧濃度大小順序為秋季>春季>冬季>夏季。溪頭臭氧濃度無論是平日、週末及週日都比竹山低,且統計上有顯著差異。雖然溪頭及竹山地區的臭氧濃度均未超過120 ppb的小時標準濃度,但是最高8小時臭氧濃度日變化在竹山夏、秋、冬及春季超過60 ppb標準日數,分別有2天、19天、1天及18天,溪頭則在秋及春季分別有3天及2天超過標準。研究認為應持續監測溪頭空氣中臭氧濃度的四季變動趨勢並與竹山進行分析比較,累積更多年數據,以因應溪頭遊客人數及車輛持續增加的環境汙染壓力,在未來提出有效防治辦法。


臭氧 森林環境 季節變動 溪頭 竹山


Impact of ozone on human health and the environment has been an important issue in the fields of public health and atmospheric environmental science. This study aims to monitor the seasonal variations of ozone concentration in the Xitou forest environment, and compare the 24-hour variation characteristics between weekdays and weekends (i.e., Saturdays and Sundays). In addition, we also compared the monitoring records in Xitou with the measurements in the Zhushan station monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency, to investigate the sources of ozone and its impact on human health. The results showed that the ozone concentrations in Xitou in all of the four seasons were significantly lower than that in the Zhushan area, but the fluctuation trends were very similar in the two regions. In particular, the maximum ozone concentration in Xitou was found to occur in spring with an average daily concentration of 21.50 ± 15.84 ppb. As for the average seasonal ozone concentrations, it was found to follow the rank of spring, autumn, winter, and summer, from the highest to the lowest, respectively. In contrast, the maximum ozone concentration in Zhushan was found to occur in autumn with an average of daily concentration of 37.25±25.56 ppb, while its seasonal ranking was found to be from the highest in autumn, followed by spring, winter, and the lowest in summer. The results also showed that ozone concentration was significantly lower in Xitou than in Zhushan, no matter on weekdays or weekends (i.e., Saturdays and Sundays). Although the ozone concentration in either Xitou or Zhushan areas did not exceed the 120 ppb hour standard concentration, our analysis showed that the maximum 8-hour daily fluctuation of ozone concentration in Zhushan was found to exceed 60 ppb standard for 2 days in summer, 19 days in autumn, 1 day in winter, and 18 days in spring. As for the situations in Xitou, it was found to exceed the standard for 3 days in autumn and 2 days in spring. As a result, we suggest to keep monitoring the variations of ozone in Xitou in all the four seasons and continue the comparisons with those monitored in Zhushan. As long as we can accumulate more data in years, we will be able to bring up effective prevention strategies to cope with the increasing environmental pollution pressure caused by the continuous increase of tourists and vehicles in Xitou.


Ozone Forest environment Seasonal variation Xitou Zhushan
