  • 期刊


Shigang Dam Removal and Water Storage Alternatives to Restore the Dajia River Morphological Natural Evolution




石岡壩 拆壩 河相演變 大甲溪


After the 1999 Chichi earthquake, the site of the Shigang Dam became a knickpoint in the discontinuous riverbed profile. Sediment became blocked by the dam, causing a lack of sediment supply that led to frequent damage to the structures along the river downstream, followed by a series of engineering repairs. For several years, transverse structures such as groundsills were used, and regular reservoir dredging was performed to maintain the water supply function. However, the river still appears unbalanced, with sediment deposition in the upstream and degradation downstream of the dam. One-dimensional sediment transport simulation indicates that with the current layout the imbalance will likely continue into the future; however, if Shigang Dam is removed, the downstream deposits will gradually return and the continuity of the river will be restored. Therefore, we suggest that administrators should start planning for the removal of Shigang Dam to restore the morphology of the Da-Jia River to a natural state and arranging for an alternative water supply.


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