  • 期刊


Estimation of Groundwater Drawdown Due to Subsurface Horizontal Drains for Large Landslides


本研究採用三維數值方法及經驗方法,針對坡地橫向集水管地下排水工程,進行定水頭補注情況下之穩態排水分析,並推算地下排水後之地下水水位洩降面。採用數值方法計算之水位洩降面高度與Crenshaw & Santi(2004)經驗方法求得者相當吻合。正規化補注率乃影響地下水水位面洩降型態之重要參數,其僅為集水管打設間距及上邊坡邊界定水頭高之函數。集水管設置於透水性較佳之地層或集水管打設間距較小時,其降低並維持水位處於安全深度位置之能力較高,排水強度也較大。


Using 3-D numerical analysis and empirical methods, this study performed a series of steady-state drainage analyses under a constant groundwater recharge rate to estimate the groundwater drawdown attributable to subsurface drainage of horizontal drains for large landslides. The levels of groundwater drawdown calculated through the numerical method and through the empirical method, as proposed by Crenshaw and Santi (2004), coincided. The normalized groundwater recharge rate is the most crucial parameter influencing the drawdown pattern of groundwater levels and is alternately related to the spacing of horizontal drains and the groundwater constant head boundary at the upper slope. The horizontal drains will promote drawdown and will maintain the groundwater level at a safe depth under a larger drainage intensity if they are configured with a smaller spacing and are installed in a permeable soil stratum.


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