  • 期刊


Application of Ecological Database in Ecological Check of Soil and Water Conservation Projects




Extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, are increasing in both frequency and intensity, posing a threat to life and property. Also, awareness of the need for watershed conservation is on the rise, demanding public engagement and open information. The Ecological Check is the new resulted protocol to ensure a sustainable environmental management, which focus on ecological assessments, public engagement, and open information. Ecological investigation record review is one of the key tasks of ecological assessment. Therefore,this study plans a new platform, so called " Friendly Environmental and Ecological Database for Watersheds" based on the ecological data and operation requirements of the watershed conservation and management. The new platform contents four types of data: species distribution data, important habitats data, ecologically friendly manpower data, and ecologically friendly measures. The major function is to produce standardized documents of "Ecological Data Query" and "Ecological Map". Engineers can easily use these documents in project management, schedule control, and enhance ecologically friendly measures.


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