  • 期刊


Experience of Nursing a Patient with Recurrent Falls and Femoral Neck Fracture




This article reports the experience of nursing a female patient aged 78 years who accepted a hemiarthroplasty operation after a fall that led to a right femoral neck fracture. The concerns that the patient had, such as a fear that her disability and dependence after the operation might burden her family, motivated the author to write this article. During the nursing period of September 16 to 26, 2019, the author collected subjective and objective information by observing, conversing, and interacting with the patient and performing physical assessments; Gordon's 11 functional health patterns assessment was also applied to systematically assess the patient's condition. The results revealed that the patient had problems regarding physical mobility, anxiety toward falls, and fall hazards. During the nursing process, the medical team empathized with the patient and accompanied the patient in coping with a possible disability and in establishing a good relationship with her family members. The caregivers' care abilities were also enhanced by the provision of instruction by the medical team on postoperative posture and displacement skills, on caring for people with osteoporosis, on preparing an accessible home environment, and on how to prevent falls and hip dislocation. These practices reduced the caregiver's stress and the patient was ultimately successfully transferred to the community hospital to proceed with 2 weeks of postacute care rehabilitation, which could increase the patient's physical activity, prevent disability, and reduce anxiety. In this case, the author was deeply aware of the importance of discharge planning and referral following acute care, and, in presenting this report, the author hopes to share this nursing experience to help clinicians better care for patients with femoral neck fracture.


Copanitsanou, P. (2019). Community rehabilitation interventions after hip fracture: Pragmatic evidence-based practice recommendations. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 35, 100712.
