  • 期刊


An Analysis of Zhong Xing's Comments on Poetry in the View of Emotion-Comments on the Book of Songs and its Issues of Interpretation




《詩經》 鍾惺 評點 晚明 性情


The purpose of this study is to take Zhong Xing's comment on the Book of Songs as an example to analyze this special reading method of "commentate" in the late Ming Dynasty. Reading and understanding a text can be decomposed into several levels of affects and effects: (1) What is the purpose of understanding the meaning or the subject of the Song, which is also defining the purpose of commentate. As for as the present comment we have preserved, Zhong Xing seems not explaining the meaning of three hundred pieces as a whole. Zhong Xing was more likely having different understanding of the Song that he put more emphasis on the entertainment of reading. (2) From the strategy of reading and understanding, what does "the method" try to stress in the commentate of the songs. In Zhong Xing's idea, he stresses the reality and the verity of emotion in the song that he put the mark on the affection in the song. (3) According to traditional scholars, the biggest difference in Zhong Xing's comment is that he is showing his own personality of reading by investigating the entertainment of the Song. The arguments of this study are as follows. (1) What is the purpose of using this method in explaining the Book of Songs? (2) What kind of affect it might occur?


(明)顧炎武,陳慶國、周蘇平點注 (1997)。《日知錄》。蘭州:甘肅民族。
王小英 (2004)。〈哲學視角下兒童遊戲的意義〉,《河北師範大學學報》,6, 3: 45-510
王明建 (2012)。〈明代復古派詩論的言情觀〉,《文學評論》,5 : 208-217
